Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 - 2017 | Page 461

“Could I have a quick talk with you,” Dr. Smith said, as he pulled Dan out of the lab. He whispered in his ear, “She’s the descendant of Thomas Wong. Her grandfather was given too much money to work with, and you know. So no one trusts to give her a job. She’s lucky to get a job here, don’t ruin it.” Dr. Smith brought him back to the lab to do a DNA tests. “No,” Dan refused after seeing the complex machine, “How do I know this isn’t a trick?” “We’ll do it on Yau then,” Dr. Smith said, and took a strand of hair from Yau. He put it into a machine that showed her DNA type - OP29503. “It’s safe, OK?” And then Dr. Smith took a strand of hair from Dan, and then inserted it. The DNA type was OP29503. Dr. Smith was excited, “With our population of 9 billion, it’s almost impossible to have the exact same DNA!” He left the lab to tell others about his findings. Just then, Yau yelled, “Oh no, the prophecy,” and then she prayed to the gods like all her ancestors had. Suddenly, there was a glow of light. A gold-colored lady floated down. She pointed to a glass of milk, which the two quickly drank. The room suddenly started spinning in circles faster and faster, just like the boat Dan travelled on. Dan was on the old fishing boat and had filled his net with fish. He picked up the bucket and headed back to his home. He filled his lungs with fresh air, then headed home to meet his wife. His wife gave him a big hug, anxiously asking him why he hadn’t returned for two days. Yau met her grandfather. She quickly stopped the plan he was having and helped to make the family rich again.