Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 3 - 2017 | Page 119

admist a sea of shadows .
Chusuke despised the Pirate Lord , and hated pillaging the villages he had come across . But he had never cared for anything but his mother . His kind , gentle mother who had consistently risked the wrath of soldiers to keep him from harm .
Thwack .
The arrow had landed in the gnarled old tree , securing the rope . Chusuke grunted , and started to climb . The rough stone dug into his hands as he pulled himself up . Then , he gasped as he poked his head up over the city view .
Even in the dark , Chusuke could see a garden . Slender willows swayed in the wind , and the rippling ponds were filled with golden fish . Their scales glimmered in the bright moonlight , like twinkling stars upon a dark night .
“ Beautiful ,” Chusuke sighed , and with that , the world released a huge , shuddering breath in return . The arrowhead loosened , and the rope started to fray . He cursed under his breath , hurling himself over the parapet .
Crack !
His shoulder rammed into the edge of the wall , pieces of rocks shattering everywhere . Before Chusuke could even recover , he slammed into the ground below , scattering dust in all directions .
“ Ugh . I knew I shouldn ’ t have admired the view hanging from a flimsy piece of thread ,” he groaned , tasting iron in his mouth .
But it was too late to regret . His shoulder was doused in ice , with sharp tingles running through his entire arm . Chusuke shuddered , lava coursing through his veins .
“ I ’ m doomed ,” he thought , “ there ’ s no way I can complete this mission !”
A cloaked figure melted out of the darkness , and hobbled toward him . Chusuke stiffened .
“ W-who are you ?” he stammered .
A worse thought occurred to him , “ Are you Shinigami ? Am I dead ?”
“ Sleep ,” the figure whispered , and Chusuke faded into the abyss .
Darkness .
A sliver of light pierced Chusuke ’ s eyelids . Something was wrapped tightly around his midriff .
Struggling against his bonds , Chusuke opened his eyes to find his legs tangled in the folds of a blanket . He bolted up in his bed , slightly embarrassed , and was painfully reminded of his wrenched shoulder .
“ Ah , you have awoken .”
Chusuke spun around , flailing his arms as he face planted onto the bed . So much for a crazy , blood thirsting pirate . He raised his head and scrutinised the old lady standing beside his bed .