Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 45

Life At Sea (the thrid voyage of the Ming Treasure Fleet) Sha Tin Junior School, Xu, Amy - 10 “We need sailors!” Calls and shouts to the emperor’s people rang throughout the city. I hesitated, then strolled toward the announcer. “When does the fleet take off?” I asked, “I want to join as a sailor.” “In 2 weeks’ time.” the man cast an inspecting look over me. ”How old are you, boy? Not very likely to get a good job. Not very big and strong” “I am 19,” I answered, a bit louder than normal, seeing that this man did not like me much. “And also, my name is Yang Bi ming (楊碧明)!” “I am not deaf, you know.” He said, disapprovingly. “The more sailors, the better. All that want to can get on a boat. You’ll be on a Bao Chuan, the same one with the great man himself, Zheng He. Powerful man. I would have put you on a horse boat, but that would be unfair. The emperor says everyone should get chances. Be grateful for that, and work hard! Now go!” I scurried off, relieved. I had always wanted a life of adventure and travel, life on the sea. But what would sister think about me going on long journeys, travelling on a huge boat? I was petrified to tell her. But when I got home, I knew I had to. “Yang Ying Yue?” I mumbled,” I have something to tell you.” “Yes?” She answered, not even looking up. “I found a job. I’m going to sail away on a huge boat too far off lands and explore the unknown.” I said, shaking more than ever. “So you’re going to be a fisherman?” she said with a laugh,”And ’explore’ the seven seas on a small, scrappy boat? Oh, you can be funny sometimes.” “No! Not that! I’m going to sail on a Bao Chuan with great Zheng He and will return with stories of far off lands that no one has yet ventured to.” “You’re not joking, are you?” she stared at me with that look, like she did when I was still a little boy. “You’re not lying to me, right?” “No, I’m not! I have never lied to you!” “When you were 6, you lied that you went to school! But guess where I found you? Fishing with your bare hands in the pond infested with algae! And when you were 2...” trust Yang Ying Yue to remember all of my flaws. “I’m going to set off in 2 weeks!” I continued, “And guess what? I won’t be back for 2 years!” “Really? Bi Ming, you’re such a silly little boy sometimes! Don’t you know it’s hard to earn money here? And now you leave me all by myself? I’ll have to wait for 2 years until you can bring your money back! Can’t you be more thoughtful?” My sister was only 10 years older than me, but she acted like our long lost mother sometimes. I felt ashamed for a second for not thinking at all before signing up. ~~~ A few weeks later, I stood in the middle of the village, a buzz of excitement and anxiety in the air. Announcers were calling at the top of their lungs, “Sailors! Sailors! Come out anyone that signed up! We’re leaving!” I said goodbye to my sister, regretting for an instant. But a new confidence took over me as I marched behind the announcer, knowing that I could earn more money, whispering that I would be back soon. We arrived at Liu Jia Gang, where the boats would set off a few hours later. There, a majestic fleet of 62 boats was waiting for us. Thousands of people from villages all over China were crowding around and gaping at the fleet of boats. “Get on!” People shoved us towards the boats. “Bao Chuan here!” I quickly squeezed on, taking in the surroundings, stunned to silence. The boat was the most majestic I had ever seen. My thoughts were interrupted by a voice. “Stop blocking the way!” I bolted off. For the rest of the day, I did backbreaking work. Scrubbing the deck, raising the sails, hauling the anchors, waving semaphore flags like crazy, and much more painstaking work. I couldn’t spot anyone I knew on the massive boat. The boat was trapped in a cage of silence (except for the shouting of orders) as it roughly floated on the waves, no one wanting to talk to the strangers amongst them.