Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 35

Life Under the Ship Sha Tin Junior School, Kuong, Bryan - 10 I was not the only one who had been thrown overboard into the gaping depths of the South China Sea, by the sailors aboard the Admiral Zheng He’s ships. But, I was the first one ever to survive. Using the anchor when it was still hoisted, I pulled myself back up onto the hold of the ship and secretly hid in the spacious unused area under the floorboards. It was a cold, rainy day out on the fleet. I, being a slave was forever kept to the damp, worn floorboards of Admiral Zheng He’s massive ship. All of us shared the same target: stealing gold from Zheng He’s treasure ships. Never had anyone ever succeeded in doing so. Many have tried but all ended up dying in the hands of Zheng He’s crew. While I worked, the commotion up on the decks was muffled, but I could still make out a few words. Zheng He called out to one of his crew “Sound the horns! Tell them that we are changing course to Java!” “Aye aye, captain!” shouted the crew member, and started climbing the ladders.Soon, the sound of the horn rose up of above the noise of the sea and wind; 3 long and 2 short blows, meaning a change of course. Just as I was about to wash down the windows a voice called down to us,” All hands on deck! Get up there now, no questions!” By the time we all got up on deck, a strong wind had started blowing, throwing debris around the decks like a fish in a current. “Take them to the treasure ships with the living quarters and keep them on the lower decks. Be sure to keep them secure if not, you know what’s going to happen.” Admiral Zheng He commands, shouting over the howling wind. “Yes, captain.” the crewman said, and turned to our direction.”Line up one by one and follow me!” We shuffled nervously into line, with me leading at the front. Then the massive array of the treasure ships came into view. I could make out the massive billowing masts, and the sleek shape of the hull. A ship capable of holding a couple million tonnes of treasure yet still cutting through the water with no problem. Spacious wooden decks stretched out as far as the eye could see. It appeared like it was a piece of land, I estimated it would be about 130 meters long and 60 meters wide. The crewmember lead us hastily onto our assigned ship. Glancing at the others I could tell that the only thing on their minds was the treasure. Right beneath our feet could be a lifetime supply of, gold, and other precious gems. The crewman led us down into the hull of the ship, pointing to a cluster if beds in the corner of the room. By dawn, the distant shout of soldiers rang out in the whispers of the vast sea. I could vaguely hear the shuffle of the soldier’s boots above me on the deck of the ship. My senses were sharp and aware after the intricate planning of theft the night before. The screws on the crates were loosened (with splinters of wood found on the walls), just enough so that even a slight pull on the crate would open it, which would hopefully spill loot on the ground. Everything was prepared. Footsteps thudded closer towards our quarters, and the sickly smell of mouldy bread filled my nostrils. The sound of a lock scratching against the hatch was followed by a squeak. The same tough crewmember entered the room, holding a loaf of mouldy bread and a bucket of water. He placed them roughly onto the floor, a bit too roughly. The crates fell open. Gold and silk spilled onto the floor, carpeting the floor with eye-blinding gold. I ran forward, grabbing the bucket and scooping up as much gold as I could. As if immobilized, the others just stared, wide-eyed, their mouths dropping open. The guard rushed at me, trying to stop me. Reflexively, I grabbed a piece of silk and threw it over the guard’s head. He shouted, blinded, tripping to the floor. As I looked up, three guards charged at me, knocking me onto the ground with a thud. My forehead throbbed, my vision went blurry and I blacked out. When I finally woke up, my hands were tied together, a gag in my mouth. I looked around, I was in a barred room. Tied up on the right side of the room. In my periphery, I could make out someone coming towards me.“Ah, there you are, thief. Zheng He’s waiting for your demise.” I could sense a hint of smugness in his voice. I tried to retort, but all that came out were muffled sounds. Pulling me to my feet, the unfamiliar soldier pushed me onto the deck of the ship, where Zheng He was waiting. His confident smile was curved into a sneer, and I could see that a gangplank was already prepared. A polished piece of unused wood balanced treacherously on the side of the boat. With a rough shove, he pushed me off the side