Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 22

Cicilia's Adventures at Sea Sacred Heart of Mary Catholic Primary School, Kwong, Elvina - 11 In a very quiet palace, there was a girl who suddenly ran out of it and went towards the harbour. Her name was Cicilia and she was the daughter of a rich treasure ship owner. Her exciting adventure was going to start. Cicilia put on boys’ clothes to go onto the treasure ship and she hid in a box. After a few hours someone opened the box and shouted, “Oh! Why is there a boy in here?!” As Cicilia jumped out of the box, her hat flew off and her long hair came down. So, the sailors found out that Cicilia was the daughter of the treasure ship owner and they told him that his daughter had gone onto the ship. When Cicilia’s father arrived, he wanted to take her home, but Cicilia told her dad that she wanted to go to have an adventure, to steal treasure with other sailors and to become a captain. Her father agreed she could go, but she needed to bring the most important treasure back, a diamond, before she could become a captain. Cicilia started her adventure. At first, she and the sailors went to a country that always had wars. Cicilia got very hurt in the wars, but she still helped to steal many things. After that, she went to more countries. Then she went somewhere where there was another huge treasure ship. The sailors in the huge treasure ship wanted to steal their treasure! When the captain and the sailors climbed onto the ship, Cicilia threw some wooden buckets at the sailors and many of them were killed by Cicilia. At last Cicilia fought with the captain who wanted to steal the treasure and she killed the captain. They then threw all the sailors from the other ship into the sea. Cicilia helped to win the war and everyone was happy. Cicilia learnt that being a sailor of a treasure ship was very hard and challenging, but it was very exciting. Two months later Cicilia went back home, but she forgot to bring the important treasure back for her father. But her father said, “The most important treasure is here already, that is your experience”. In the end Cicilia had become a strong captain and everyone knew her name.