Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 211

Remember Neo’s from the future? Which means a lot incredible mind-blowing things. Take The Edible Weapon. It explodes after 5 seconds and will release bubble gum that will grow to extremely large balloon- gum balls. After the bubble gum is around the place it wants to take out, it will start making the land or thing float away to space. Really powerful stuff, and that is what Neo is going to use to defeat The Smoky Sharks. Neo quickly ran to the bow of the ship and placed The Edible Weapon down and started the countdown ...KABOOM! A bang sounded and immediately, there started to appear bubble gum, it was growing bigger and bigger. All the pirates were terrified, Black Inferno just stood in shock, but Neo had a trick up his sleeve. He took out a blue teleporter and disappeared and reappeared on the deck of The Friendly Whale. After the gum had done its job, The Smoky Sharks fleet of ships started to rise up higher and higher and finally, the fleet of ships floated into space and vanished. *** Now Zheng’s crew were really shocked, so shocked they froze. When they started to move, Captain Zheng asked “Who are you? You must be a good guy, you helped us defeat Black Inferno!” Zheng was fascinated after Neo had introduced himself. Zheng wondered how would he thank Neo for doing such a big favor. They decided to send their goods to their first stop. Their first stop was Hong Kong. As they arrived at Victoria Harbour, Captain Zheng and the others went giving out barrels of silk and gold ingots. After the citizens and the government thanked Zheng’s crew. They all boarded their ship again and waved goodbye. This time, the Pacific will always stay peaceful as Zheng’s crew traveled to their next destination...