Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 184

Then a disaster struck. A humongous green, scaly sea spirit towered above them. Zheng He jumped back. Shocked. “This is it”, thought Zheng He. “This is where it all ends”. He closed his eyes, waiting for certain death. Suddenly, his Nephew, Zheng Enlai leaped out of nowhere to the beast and with his sword and sliced it in half. Zheng He opened his eyes finding the monster killed. It was a miracle. It was just like a dream. He was saved. “Was Zheng He’s nephew in the ship the whole time?” asked Kent, excitedly. “Did the sea spirit have muscles?”. Dad checked the clock, “It’s late enough, go to bed Kent”. “Fine,” said Kent excited to hear more next time. Just before Kent walked into his room, dad called, “Wait, I’ll tell you a little more. I have a secret you should know… ”, dad said mysteriously, “We are the blood of Zheng He!”