Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 155

Fairytale Land The Independent Schools Foundation Academy, Leung, Annabel - 8 On a late Saturday afternoon, General Zheng He and his soldiers were sailing back to China to the Yongle Emperor when they saw a weird glass door floating in the midair. Zheng He was stunned. He shouted to his two hundred soldiers, “Let’s go inside!” “But General,” said his advisor, “It might be dangerous!” “Who cares?” roared Zheng He, “Let’s be brave and find out.” “Yes sir!” said his advisor, trembling. The fleet of ships rushed forward in single file. Once they were in, they gazed around in wonder. A new land. “Everybody, turn the ships into land transportation!” Zheng He ordered. “Yes sir!” All the soldiers answered in unison. Almost at once, all the ships turned into trucks, buses, and vans. Then, all the soldiers drove the transportation forward. When they passed a castle, a little girl opened a window and peeked out of it. She screamed. “Who are you?” She asked nervously. “Now, now. There’s no need to worry.” Zheng He said gently. “My name’s Zheng He, what’s yours?” Now that the little girl knew that Zheng He was not going to hurt her, she relaxed. “Hello! My name is Hope. It’s nice to meet you, Zheng He” she said. “May I ask you a question?” Zheng He said. “Sure!” Hope answered cheerfully. “What?” Zheng He asked, “Where am I?” “You’re in Charming Kingdom. My parents are Queen Cinderella and King Chance Charming.” Hope replied. “Hope, what is The Charming Kingdom?” Zheng He questioned. “The Charming Kingdom is one of the kingdoms on Fairytale Land. There are six kingdoms, one territory, and one empire. The six kingdoms are The Upper Kingdom, The Center Kingdom, The Charming Kingdom, The Western Kingdom, The Magic Kingdom, and The Sleeping Kingdom. The territory is Trolblin Territory, and the empire is Elf Empire.” Hope said, surprised he did not know. Zheng He was starting to get worried. “Hope, what is this strange place?” Zheng He asked franticly, “Is it different from my home?” He was starting to realize this place was different from his home. Hope was confused, “I suggest you go to meet Fairy Godmother. She makes all the Laws. She has the real control over Fairytale Land.” Hope said. “Take this map and it will guide you to The Magic Kingdom. It is where she lives. The rest of the information about Fairytale Land is on the other side of the page.”