Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 - 2 | Page 11

Twist in the Tale of the Ming Treasure Voyages Regents Primary School of Shenzhen, Liu, Guang Hao Steven - 11 In Chinese history, there lived a very famous eunuch named Zheng He. He was famed for his skills in navigation. He was a Chinese mariner, an explorer, a diplomat and a fleet admiral. Aside from these accolades and achievements, Zheng He was also smart and possessed a kind heart. He was always faithful to his friends, but he tended to have friends that end up betraying him. The Emperor Zhu Li liked him very much, because he had an attention for details and was meticulous about everything. The Emperor was at ease in delegating him the responsibilities. This time, the Emperor asked him to travel the seas so as to strengthen relations with the foreign countries. Zheng accepted the arduous task. He carried 27,000 people, 200 ships and started travelling from Nanjing. Zheng He was excited and nervous for his trip. He had no idea what was going to happen but he was ready to accept this arduous task. Early the next morning, the sound of beautiful waves woke him up. He rubbed his eyes and looked up to the sky. The sun shone on his face. The clear sea wind blew and he inhaled fresh air into his lungs. Zheng’s ship was in charge of leading the fleet and he had an eagle’s eye on the horizon. ‘Hand me the telescope and the map,’ he instructed the crew. ‘We’re about to reach our first destination! Aha! Full speed ahead!’ Some time later, they arrived to their first destination, Champa Kingdom. When Zheng directed them to exchange goods, a man walked to him. ‘Hello! Mr Zheng He, can I work on your fleet?’ he asked with his squeaking voice. Zheng thought him as strange, and paid no attention to him. The next day, they prepared to go to Java. The man woke up before the sun rose. He put a bird on the ground and took out a roll of paper to let the bird catch it. He patted the bird gently and it flew away. The strange man later appeared once again, this time he was walking on a corridor. The man saw Zheng in his periphery and immediately scuttled away. ‘That was close, he almost caught me!’ The man whispered to himself. Due to the long distance from JangCheng (Champa Kingdom) to Java, it took them at least six days to arrive by the ship. On the fourth day, the weather turned worse. The fierce waves beat against the boat. It was raining and the sounds of thundered rumbled. The waves made the ship rock vehemently and Zheng fell violently ill! Suddenly, one of the young sailors pointed forward and shouted, ‘Look at the huge ship! That is the biggest ship I’ve ever seen! Wait, a skeleton? Hey! A pirate ship is coming towards us! Everybody, run!’ Everyone froze in their place. They didn’t know what to do. Only an old man ran to the helm. He turned the helm 180 degrees and the ship immediately took a sharp turn. Because of the heavy rain, the fleet was dispersed in different locations. One of the pirate’s cannons hit on Zhen’s ship. ‘Boom!’ With the sheer force of the cannon, the hull started to break. Unfortunately, this was compounded with the waves that hit the ship again with deadly and continuous blows. The ship started to sink. Even worse still, two more pirate ships appeared over the horizon. The situation continues to get worse! ‘Boom! Boom!’ Two shells flew over Zheng’s head. Two more shells hit the ship. Suddenly, a pirate captain shouted, ‘I want them alive...’ At this point, the pirate ships accelerated. The pirate ships drew closer to them. ‘Launch the rope! Pull back!’ The pirate ship was attached and boarded the ship successfully. They pointed their swords at them and told them not to move. At that moment, the man whom Zheng thought was very strange stood out. ‘Good evening, my honorable Mr. Pirate Eric. It’s my honor to help you with your work. ’ The pirate captain touched his head and said, ‘Nice work! I am going to take down this fleet and I am going to be the greatest pirate in the history.’ ‘You will never make it! Look at your dirty beard, it’s covered with fleas and all kinds of worms. Sick pirates!’ Zheng retorted bravely. But with a clink the pirate knocked him unconscious with a bat and everything in his vision faded away.