Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 90

New Tales of the Ming Treasure Voayages Discovery Bay International School, Kothari, Aashi - 9 Many years ago the empire of China and Zheng He decided to set a team to build over 300 boats. What they had in mind was that there would be a large group that would sail around the world and back. Months had passed by and the big day had come. There were people pushing and shoving their way through the crowd to take a closer look at the ships and the team. After about an hour, the team had assembled on the ship and they were on their way. As they were making their way through the sea, the waves were suddenly beginning to get rocky and their ship was shaking furiously. A thunderstorm and lighting struck their ship. A few moments later, they had washed up on an island that was not far away from China. It was India. Someone shouted, “I see some other pirates!” everyone turned to look in the direction he was pointing. “They look friendly, maybe they could help,” said Zheng He. The members of the crew exited the ship and walked to the pirates. As they approached the pirates, one of the team members tripped and the other pirates just sat there laughing. Finally they spoke up, “Sorry you fell, it was our trap to keep away intruders.” Zheng He and his team told the story to the pirates and they agreed to help but they were up to no good. After a good night's sleep, they woke up to find a surprise. Zheng He struggled to get out of bed and bombs were flying everywhere. Zheng He told them to fight. His last words had echoed through the room and in 5 minutes everyone had set off to fight. The battle had begun. The Chinese and the Indian pirates were fighting furiously. Bombs were flying everywhere, destroying every single thing. The bombs were toys flying around a kids room. It was like a never ending battle. The Indians and the Chinese were tired of fighting and so when the Chinese pirates got the chance they snuck out of India and were on the ship home. As they got down the ship, many journalists were gathering around the sailors, eager to know what had happened. The team were very proud of themselves. They might not have sailed across the world and back but they had succeeded in returning home safe and sound. Today they are made heros around the world.