Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 68

Zheng He did not push further and we were all hushed except monsoons were blowing hard and making “whoooooo” sound. I was starting to wonder if there was any conspiracy behind all this, or was he really that friendly? It was a windy night as Caesar, my chief warrior, had been discussing the strategy with me on the deck. “We must strike first! Let’s send all the warriors swimming to Zheng He's ships as it's dark now, the crow's nest won't spot us.” Caesar was confident since he has won so many battles with me. “Be cautious, Zheng He may not be asleep,” I warned. While my crew was swimming silently towards the misty darkness, I was on the deck hoping that our plan would work. But things don't always go as we planned. All out of blue there were flashes of light moving rapidly like shooting stars, before I realized those were fire arrows, my ships were hit and lit up completely as we had chained up to fight the sea serpent before. Zheng He was on the stern of the ship and slowly appeared through the smoke and he gave me some "surrender or die” look. I would never abandon this ship! I decided to fight back even though it was hopeless. Zheng He's forces were much stronger, plus my ships were extremely damaged and slowly sinking. I knew the time had come. " An eye for an eye, Zheng He! You… will… pay the …price…” I cried with my last breath as I went down to the sea with my ships. All my crew, my glory, my treasures and my ships were gone in one single battle. However, this was not the end, yet. Years later, Zheng He died in his last voyage, his 7th journey. Everybody believed that he died from illness. However, among the seven seas, people knew that it was me, Captain Golden Hook who haunted him, near the India Ocean where he sank my Bloody Devil. Ever since, the Chinese emperor had forbidden any sea voyages.