Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 62

Heroes in Time Creative Primary School, Ma, Lotta - 11 “Come on!” shouted Yun. “We can still make it to class.” His friend Ling scurried behind, trying to catch up. Just when they turned around the corner, they found Professor Fa standing in front of them. “Where do you think you are going?” he questioned. Before the friends could answer, the professor pulled them into a science lab. There were maps of China on the walls. “You must be wondering why I brought you here,” Professor Fa said with a mysterious face. “Have you ever learned about the Ming Treasure Fleet?” The students nodded. “Well, there were some pirates jealous of the legend and decided to travel in time to steal command of the voyage,” he continued. “I don’t have much idea what they would do, so I need you to travel back in time to catch them!” The girls thought the professor had gone crazy but followed his order. With a snap of Fa’s fingers, out appeared a time machine, Yun, thrilled about the adventure, didn’t waste any time. Although Ling was terrified, he still accepted. They were ready for an adventure! Meanwhile, the pirates, also known as the Crossbone Crew led by Tersilla with Asher and Karl, arrived in a majestic harbour. “We’re finally here!” exclaimed Asher. “But we’re not done yet, put on your disguises and get ready to meet Admiral Zheng,” whispered Tersilla. Later at the port, Admiral Zheng was assembling his crew. When it was Tersilla’s turn, he asked, “And what can you do?” ”I’ve served three Admirals, sailed the Indian Ocean and is an expert sailor,” Tersilla replied with confidence. Admiral Zheng accepted the Crossbone Crew without a doubt, not knowing that he was inviting a pack of troublemakers. On the other side of the harbour, Yun and Ling arrived. “Where are all the taxis?” asked Yun. “We’re in the Xuande reign, didn’t you listen in class?” explained Ling. They, as well as the pirates, had a disguise. “Hey, look!” said Ling. A pile of fish n’ chips laid beside a restaurant. Usually, Chinese people prefer fried rice than fish ‘n’ chips, it was obvious who ate these—the Crossbone Crew! There were also footprints leading to the port. “Oh no! The ship is about to set sail!” they shouted. Luckily, they made it just in time before the famous fleet set sail. Yun got to be the helmsman because of his super-strength. Ling was the scribe who was going to write the story of the voyage. She remembered the look on the Admiral’s face when she told him she could write, the lessons of Chinese finally paid off! The next day was very special for China. Everyone came to see the Ming Treasure Fleet set sail. We watched the grand launch ceremony joyfully, all except for Tersilla, Asher, and Karl. Soon, everyone began working hard, not wanting to get scolded. At night, the Crossbones Crew began their heist, by telling a tall tale, trying to scare the sailors. “My two cousins from Japan were sailing across the Pacific Ocean, but one of them never came back,” Tersilla began. “The rumors say that a horrible sea monster followed them for days. They had no clue, the only sign of it was a spooky whistling sound. Then one night, it sprang out from the water, gobbling my cousin alive!” Somehow, the other morning, Ling heard a faint whistling sound, until it got louder and louder! “Eeeeeeeeek!” she screamed. Being the brave one, Yun followed the sound. But instead of a man-eating sea monster, he found an old record player with a Halloween record. Even though Yun had no evidence whatsoever, he knew who was behind all of this. The following days were worse! More incidents happened, such as a broken sail, someone swapping seawater with wine, and the deck was covered in bubbles! Little did anyone knew, that Tersilla’s plan was to steal Admiral Zheng’s thunder, by giving his crew a bad reputation. “I can’t take it anymore!” the Admiral scolded. “Whoever is behind these pranks should admit it.” “Well, I think it is Yun’s fault or how else is he not afraid of the sea monster,” I mumbled. Unfortunately, Admiral Zheng heard every word and punished Yun by scrubbing the deck. Ling realized that she had ruined their friendship and she was alone in stopping the nasty pirates.