Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 229

1 st January I am now back in Sri Lanka and have reported back to the king. He is so pleased the kraken is dead and has again promised to be allied with China forever. He also gave me a man-o-war he captured from the Spanish. I have a feeling this is going to be a successful voyage. But sometimes I still think that something bad might happen…. but maybe I am thinking too much! 4th February It has only been a few days since destroying the Kraken and a pirate has appeared. But, luckily his ship is no match for our enormous bronze cannons. The pirate leader has surrendered. I spared the crew of the pirate ship and gave them an island to rule. But I wasn’t so nice to the pirate leader. I used a cat-o-nine-tails to spank him and I am taking him back to the Emperor. Another crisis is over. This voyage is now over too, until next time.