Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 199

The Ming Treasure Miracle Kingston International School, Lau, Levia – 9 The warm salty breeze brushed against my face like the hands of the sea spirits as the fleet of ships gently glided across the sparkling sea. Even though, I, Chenyu served as an ordinary sailor, the land of seas amazed me just the same. I knew little about the oceans and the wonders with bright sails that cut across the oceans. I’ve longed to traverse the seven seas as it brought me closer to freedom, away from captivity. This is why I am now on the fourth ship of the fleet and also and the entrance to adventure. You are probably wondering: “Hey, why’s this person’s English is better than mine? Isn’t he supposed to focus on Chinese?” Well, let me tell you - there aren’t no language studies on board. Anyway, my first days were poisoned by awfully tremendous thunderstorms, savagely sickening sea-sickness and revolting slime. Luckily, I have pulled through the toughest storms (surprise, surprise), fought across the raging seas. We saw people with skins so dark that they could have been easily mistaken for leafless trees. They celebrated our arrival with delighted faces and tasty treats that were really tempting. Also sly faced men with tangled beards that ignited a gigantic mutiny. Luckily, our fearless generals drew their swords, and reduced them to nothing but a bit of ash (like your bad tempered teacher, the generals, not the ash). But there was the biggest threat of all… Facing the Emperor When I mention the word “emperor”, you might think of fearless, rich, mighty, and powerful, right? You never dared to think or look on the dark side of emperors and go: “Hey, he’s pretty nasty and cruel!” because: a) emperors were meant to be looking after their citizens and b) you might go to jail. But one emperor decided that enough was enough, so he started toying around with his boats. Emperor Hongxi was not the kind of person you would like to meet on the streets, as he ruled and conquered with fear. “China isn’t in any need for the valuables of other countries, so why should we sail around distributing them when I seriously need a new palace?”, thought Hongxi. It’s a really cool fact that emperors can do almost everything , so his plan went into action. My mind exploded, when the emperor’s matey’ scampered around spreading the news like pesky little cockroaches spreading germs. The mighty urge against the idea of leaving the Chinese navy forced a strong ‘NO!!!’ into my throat, but as I thought about my consequences, it was muffled into a silent scowl. But what could I do, a measly little weakling against a vicious conqueror who’s word becomes reality. So that’s why my cunning little brain picked up its oars and rowed away, into the plans of the cunning and the brave. Voyage to Success The next day, I woke up, to a new day where the action begins. I announced it to all the sailors, and we all agreed, as it honestly was the only plan we had. The plan was risky, and if a tiny detail went wrong, the plan was good as dead fish. When the emperor’s matey’ came back, he flicked a few coins at us and told us to go back to our homes. After he turned the corner, we scampered to our secret hidey-hole to wait till’ the plan unraveled. Each day, one of us patrolled the town, updating us with news. On the first few days, the news was as plain as watery fish soup. But after a few weeks, rage began to boil around China. First, it was those hairy-faced men, seeking the gold that they were receiving per year. Then it was those dark men, demanding the silk we promised to repay them with.