Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 182

them. The bald man noticed and grabbed some rope and jumped into the sea. Me, Angela, aunt Martha and I heard and saw his splash. “Thank you, Ms.Smart! You are accepted to join our cr-” The pirate that saw the twins and shouted, cutting short the captain’s sentence. “THIEVES! THE BOYS ARE STEALING OUR SILK AND GOLD!” The captain demanded at once: “Tie them up!” then he turned to Aunt Martha. “You, Ms.SmartyPants! Trying to steal my treasure! You can’t outsmart a villain like me.Fellow pirates, let’s PARTY!” The pirates cheered. They painted their faces with the powder of crushed seashell then danced and drank. At night, when everyone was asleep, we were staring at the leftover spilled seashell powder all over the deck. The twins liked the colour of the seashell powder. They were determined to taste the powder. As soon as the powder touched their tongue, they disappeared before our eyes. A few minutes later, we were all back at Aunt Martha’s farmhouse. After that week, every Friday we couldn’t wait to go to Aunt Martha’s. … and to this very day, the Ming Dynasty is known for inventing the bristle toothbrush.