Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 172

New Tales of Ming Treasure Voyages Kau Yan School, Leung, Ching Sum Maegan - 9 “Maegan, it’s getting late! Practice your ocarina and go to sleep!” Mum shouted loudly as I walked into my room .“Yes, I will!” I answered back. I played my ocarina as usual. Then, I smelled a scent of the sweet dream essential oil next to my bed and then fell asleep soundly. When I opened my eyes, I heard splashing sounds of waves. I looked around, trying to figure out where I was. I then heard someone mumbling, “ Captain Zheng He still hasn’t been able to sleep well for almost a week. What can we do?” Soon, a man dressed in ancient Chinese clothing walked slowly towards me. I realized that I had returned to the past! He leaned forward and asked, “ Who are you? Why are you here?” I stared at him nervously trying to find myself an excuse of my appearance, then I suddenly recalled the conversation that I just overheard and muttered, “I’m Leung Ching Sum. I am here to help Captain Zheng.” “Oh! Thank you! Welcome to the our treasure ship! I am one of the doctors on this ship. We have a problem. Our captain, Zheng He, can’t sleep well at night. We have had used all our methods and even different kinds of medicines. None of them work. Do you think you can help him?” The man asked hopefully. “Yes, I think I can help him,” I replied earnestly. After that, he took me downstairs to see his captain, Zheng He. I saw him lying on his bed, but he was still opening his eyes wide. The doctor bowed to him and explained, “Captain, this child told me that she can help you sleep.” Zheng He stood up straight. He looked at me doubtfully and asked, “Really? How are you going to help me?” I answered with slight confidence, “I will use the sweet dream essential oil and play a peaceful melody with my ocarina to help you!” Zheng He suggested, “You can try them tonight! I want to know if they are effective.” I nodded and promised, “Okay!” That night, I was in the doctor’s cabin. I saw a sight that I will never forget. It was raining cats and dogs. I saw lightning flashing and thundering roaring loudly outside. Waves got higher and higher, feeling that our ships were going to turn upside down! I was frightened and my body was shaking. Suddenly, a soldier knocked the cabin’s door and came in. He ordered me to go to Zheng He’s room immediately. So I took the sweet dream essential oil and the ocarina with me. Quickly, I followed him to Zheng He’s room. When I entered his room, I bowed at Zheng He, handing the sweet dream essential oil and the ocarina to him. Zheng He commanded, “Now, you can start your ‘magic’.” I carefully dripped two drops of sweet dream essential oil on his pillow. I moved my fingers on the ocarina to play a peaceful melody named “Amazing Grace” for him. While I was playing the ocarina, Zheng He told me about his past, “I was born in a Muslim family. I loved listening to grandpa’s stories. But in 1381, Ming army’s soldiers came to Yunnan, a place where I lived. Unluckily, I was captured by them. I became a eunuch and began to serve prince Zhudi. In 1390, I began to serve a prince in a …” He had not finished his story and fell deeply asleep. The soldiers beside him were all amazed and whispered to each other. Then, they sent me back to my room. I peeked out from the window, staring at the still raining sky. I started to feel homesick. The next morning, Zheng He came into my room and sat on my bed. “Your sweet dream essential oil and the peaceful melody really worked! You are one of the best doctors I’ve ever seen!” thanked Zheng He. I smiled, “Captain, it is my pleasure!” Zheng He took me to the deck and showed me different masts. There were totally nine masts on the treasure ship. Then, he showed me his other ships, “We have more than 200 ships, including treasure ships, equine ships, supply ships, troop transports, fuchuan warships and water tankers!” He looked at the sky and said, “Look at the ocean! The huge mountains waves are rising sky-high. In front of your eyes are far- off foreign lands covered in a faint mist. Our ships are in full sail. On and on we sail; day and night we sail. Our ships can ride on giant waves just as if we were walking on a smooth road.” I opened my mouth wide. I said, “Wow! Which voyage are we on now?” Zheng He replied. “We are on our first voyage. We are going back to China now.” I nodded and asked, “Where did you go on this voyage?”