Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 138

The Adventure on the Sea Harrow International School Hong Kong, Suen, Gaia - 9 “Go!” Emperor Zhang shouted. “Go!” “Father, no! Please, I’m your daughter!” Ming begged. She looked up at her angry father. “You are nothing to me. What did I do to deserve a useless daughter like this?” Ming helplessly looked at the guards standing next to the golden doors. She knew the guards would be ordered to take her away. Emperor Zhang looked at her and smirked. “Guards, you have my permission to take her away. If she tries to get free, threaten her.” Ming cried in despair.” “Father, why?” “You heard me guards. Take her away!” Emperor Zhang’s voice echoed through the hallway. As soon as the Emperor spoke, the guards scurried forward pushing each other just to get hold of Ming. Her long ebony hair was soaked in her tears. They all wanted Emperor Zhang to reward them. Soon enough, Ming was in chains and was carried away on a gigantic boat. Emperor Zhang laughed wickedly. “Finally I got rid of my daughter. Now for my little prank. “Qing!” Suddenly a young woman dressed in expensive, silky clothes ran into the room. “Get The Sagana Boat here! Tell the crew to set sail for the island.” “Yes my dearest,” answered Qing, Emperor Zhang’s wife. Then, as quick as ever she sprinted out of the room tripping a few times on her delicate dress. Slowly, Emperor Zhang rose from his throne and strode out of the room in a very posh way. As soon as he stepped outside, the crew of men outside made space for him and bowed. “Hello my workers. Are you ready to trade gold?” “Yes sir,” the captain of the crew replied. “Where are we going?” “Oh! You are so going to love this. You are going to Alasonamakosarisa!” “Um… But sir, that’s not even a real place!” “Oh it is. It’s just not on the map. You will find Mascotara on the way. She will guide you there. One of the residents.” “But but…” said the captain in a panicky voice. “Yes?” “Nothing sir.” “Then I guess you can go now. Bye.” The Emperor headed back to his palace proudly, thinking of how his crew would react when they realise it was all a prank. With that thought he laughed. The captain of the crew did not laugh though. He just stood there looking like he was paralyzed. One member of the crew had to shake him a few times before he would move. Finally, the captain said shakily, “Okay crew. Everyone on board The Sagana Boat.” Soon enough, all the crew was on board sailing out to the stormy sea, ready to begin a new adventure.