Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 131

“PIRATES!!” I yelled “PIRATES!! PIRATES ON BOARD!!” but I had a piece of tape around my mouth so it sounded like “prtftw! Prtftw oo bood!!” so no one came running to rescue us. The pirates made the quick decision of dumping us into the shark-infested sea. Soon we were shivering in the icy cold water praying that the sharks don’t get us yet we still managed to scream at the top of our lungs. Nobody on the ship heard us so we soon gave up trying and just let our bodies float helplessly waiting for our doom. Suddenly, out of nowhere, this fire-breathing, almost transparent dragon swoops in from the skies. “I am called George. I have been summoned by Capogo whom, I’m sure you know, is the most feared sea monster in the world. Anyway, he summoned me to come save you because he thinks that you three are the ones in the sacred prophecy,” said George whilst hovering over the surface of the crashing sea. “D- dragon?!” I exclaimed but before I knew it we were scooped up onto the back of the dragon and taken away into the night sky...