Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 127

The Ming Treasure Voyages - I am Li Harrow International School Hong Kong, Fung, Charlotte - 10 Boom! The crashing waves hit against the docks, as the crew busily run around, getting ready to depart. Cautiously, I watch closely; hiding behind some cargo nearby. I am Li and I am hungering to become a part of the infamous Ming Treasure cargo crew! And I will do whatever it takes to get there. Although I am a girl, I know I am destined to join Yong-le Emperor’s treasure fleets to sail the oceans under Admiral Zheng He and to show the Western World the true power and magnificence of the Chinese empire. Suddenly, an idea comes to me! The crew is so busy, and the night is becoming so dark that I can disguise myself as part of the male crew and no one would be any wiser! Quickly, I run back into the village, roughly slash my long black hair with some scissors, change into some dirty trousers, and rush back out of the door. It is not long before I return to the docks; just in time before the powerful ship sets sail. Quietly, I sneak onto the ship, as the rest of the crew continues to be oblivious to me as they busy with their chores. “Let’s go!” yells the Admiral proudly as he boards the ship. We are off! The ship slowly and confidently drifts off into the deepest darkest seas that I have ever seen. The thrill of my new adventure is overwhelming but at the same time the excitement and the lull of the ship’s sway makes me a little sleepy. A few of the crew pass me by as I find my place in the hold trying to look busy shifting cargo. I am relieved as by now my heart is pounding out of my skin. I’m struggling to hold it together. I lean on the cargo boxes and slowly, my eyes get heavier and heavier and finally, unable to resist any longer, I give into temptation and close them firmly shut as the other crewmen begin to leave. I dream wildly of all sorts of wonderful things: faraway lands, meeting beautiful Kings and Queens, languages I could not understand, but am excited to learn…. Then, abruptly, I am awoken by thunder that roars from the skies like a hungry lion pouncing on its prey. The next thing I know, the ship is being engulfed by the storms. The hull is cracked and the bow is completely wrecked! The crew are not ready for this as many of them are standing on the deck and are thrown into the waters. As luck would have it, I manage to remain safely in the hold with the cargo although by this time water is starting to seep through the cracks appearing in the hull. I run as fast and steadily as I can onto the swaying deck and notice something glistening close by within the waters through the corner of my eye. The ship must have hit some land in the storms and what I see are the crystalline rocks from the land being reflected in the moonlight. Grabbing all the rope I can lay my hands on, I run towards the direction of the glistening rocks and jump off the gradually sinking ship. I swim hurriedly and manage to climb safely onto one large piece of rock. As soon as I make sure I am securely on, I tie one end of rope to myself and throw the other end with all my might towards one of the sailors in the waters pulling him safely onshore. I do this again and again until I am exhausted and can no longer see any more bodies in the dim moonlight as the storms begin to calm. The dawn sunlight begins to appear bringing with it a new day and new beginnings. The horizon is illuminated in warm colours. The crew I have managed to save, start to stir. Some have sore limbs, others have minor injuries; but nevertheless all of us feel fortunate to be alive. “Li, you saved us! We want to make sure the Admiral rewards you for your bravery and does not punish you for boarding his ship without permission! We will all make a solemn oath to keep your identity a secret!” The survivors swore amongst themselves once I tell them my story. I am Li, I am a girl, and I have become a part of the Ming Treasure cargo crew!