Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 119

A Tale from the Emperor’s Ships Good Hope Primary School cum Kindergarten, Yim, Hoi Lam - 11 I woke up to the sound of the lieutenant of our ship's loud yelling. As my roommates scrambled out to the deck for orders, I found myself hardly being able to follow them. I was one of the latest to reach the deck. I glanced over my shoulder when no one noticed. All 317 ships of his Majesty, Emperor Yongle, lead by one of the Emperor's most trusted companions, Zhenghe. "Focus!" Lieutenant Chen yelled after noticing that I was not paying attention, along with a few others, all mesmerized by impressive sight just like I was. We snapped our heads back to the enraged generals, looking a bit sheepish. They cannot blame us. Many of us had only been recently recruited and this was our first journey out of our great kingdom. It had only been 6 months, but it felt like forever. I was far far away from our family and missed them dearly. It was estimated the journey itself would take 2 to 3 years, which means my little sister would be 5 or 6 by the time I returned, and I myself would be 26 by the time I returned home, not to mention I possibly have to serve in the army for a few more years. It was a tough life, but nothing compared to how much our king has served us. He gave us peace and tranquillity. "Soldiers! We are nearing the land that we have named Champa! This specific land is known for creating the lemongrass you may know, but possibly not, since most of you are stupid and uneducated." There were quite a few murmurs at such a harsh and crude comment from Lieutenant Chen, but they were all silenced by the other soldiers. We continued to listen to what we were supposed to do. "Half of you on this ship will stay and guard the ship. The other half, the most elite, will be chosen to go with General Zhenghe. Understood?" The tall and imposing man barked. He was rewarded with a loud and clear "yes" from us and he nodded gladly. "Those who wish to stay here, get back to the sleeping compartments downstairs. The rest, we'll choose the best." Few soldiers budged, since most wanted to take the most out of the journey and see the scenery, others just wanting to possibly wanting to experience a real fight. I was among the many who stayed. Lieutenant Chen grunted and told us he'd be tapping the head of the ones that were going with the General. I crossed my fingers and prayed to the Jade Emperor that I would be chosen. And I was. My eyes glimmered excitedly. I was going to set foot in another kingdom! Most people never even had the chance! We set off a few hours later, and were immediately stopped by Champa's guards. None of us were able to communicate with them, and we had to rely on hand gestures to show that we weren't a threat. It was extremely hard, but we finally managed. We were welcomed, but all of us were extremely careful, knowing they could turn on us and kill us any second. We were not fighting in our territory. We were fighting in theirs. I was among those who waited outside a large building's door as guards while the General entered to converse. It was hours until the General came out again, with bad news. The Champas were not happy about us, and he heard plans of killing us. Two of our fastest runners were sent to warn the ships while about a hundred others and I remained in the city, half of us hidden, the others, including me, escorting General Zhenghe to safety. I was one of the very last at the small parade we had back to the ship, and therefore the first to notice the oncoming Champa army. "Enemies at 6 o'clock!" I yelled loudly, nudging the nearby soldiers and urging those in front to run faster. The General was on a horse, and he sped with two others towards the ship, while the others were left to deal with the enemy alone. It was a lost cause, so little of us against so many of them, but we had sworn we would fight until our last breath, and that was exactly what we did. I was among the first to join the battle, my sword gleaming under the harsh sunlight. People all around us were screaming and hurrying away, unwilling to be in the bloodbath. I did the most stupid thing. I jumped straight into the fight. I managed to stab a soldier, piercing through his armour. Blood splashed onto my helmet, and I bit back a disgusted yelp. I was almost decapitated by another soldier who took advantage of my momentary stun, but I counterattacked and managed to trip him before a fellow warrior finished him. I nodded at him, thankful that I was not the one to spill blood. All around us, the battle raged on. I fought enemy after enemy like a monster, and when they started retreating, we wasted no time running to the ships, and when the last of us got on, the anchor was released and we sped away into the oceans, watching as Champa became nothing but a small dot behind us. I write this on the ship that is carrying us back home, to China, my beautiful country. We have achieved many things on this journey, which I know will be rejoiced over and over years after years. But for now, I'll keep this piece of paper under my cabin pillow, and I'll see who I'll reveal this to. Lee Ming