Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 116

23 rd August 1405 Java was our destination. Yet, we were all frightened by the nations who were waiting rear the coast, ready to fight with us. We parked to the harbor. The soldiers were shouting in different languages. I took a peek out of the window. After general Tong’s order, the soldiers rushed into the little town. Here went the ‘Ping Pongs’ and there went the ‘Cling Clangs’. A week later, the emperor was caught and my master ordered the servants to put him in jail. 30 th August 1405 We reached Palembang. The King there was honest and kind. But one of his courtier was a villain. So my master and the king set a trap together. Days later, he was caught. The King was glad and he gave us money precious native product as a souvenir. 13 th September 1405 The King in Malocca was thoughtful. He offered us to leave our luggage and gifts in their kingdom and to take it back when we returned to China. My master thanked him for his kindness. 18 th September 1405 A traitor in Semudera killed the emperor to become the leader of the nation. In order to help the prince, general Liu and general Cheung encircled their composite and blocked all their escaping routes. He felt forlornness so he committed suicide. The King was satisfied, and he called Ghazni, Malabar, and Baghdad three kingdoms. They all invited us for dinner. My master was glad to see peace among them. 1 st October 1405 Wong sergeant got lost in Semudera! He climbed up a hill and found some grass that could make him invisible and a phoenix egg. He borrowed a small boat from the fishermen and caught up the ship. Then he gave some of the ‘invisible grass’ to me! 21th October 405 100 000 miles away China in Kozhikode! I felt a bit touched when my master ordered the servants to build a gazebo to commemorate this remarkable time. 5 th November 1405 We reached East Africa 2 days ago, and we had a war. So one of the sergeant gave the marshal a magical coin. When they battled, he threw the coin and their opponent blocked out. 12 th December 1405