Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 10

Meanwhile, his parents were frantically looking for him. They screamed and shouted but he never came. They even hunted for him around the ship but couldn't find him. In the end, his parents soberly gave up and kept on sailing forward. When Christopher woke up, he found a strong, young Morgan mare with big, soulful eyes looking at him. Then it said in a musical voice “My name is Autumn and this is my story.” “Long ago, when I was a little foal, my family, friends and I lived on a happy, peaceful island named Calypso. One day, a huge storm struck our island and pulled us into the sea. We tried to swim but couldn't keep our heads above the water. A huge wave came down on us and everyone drowned except me. I was washed up on this island and have lived here ever since that day.” “That’s strange” said Christopher, “I fell off the ship and lost my parents too! Maybe we should be friends!” “I'd love to be friends with you; it's been so long since I spoke to anyone except animals on the island. Everything is very cozy here and I'm sure you'll settle in.” “I know I will. But I'm quite homesick and I miss my parents!”, said Christopher sadly. “I know how you feel,” said Autumn softly. “ I miss my parents too, but you'll just have to cope until they find you.” So the days went by. Every day they played and explored the island together and every night he slept on a feather bed. Christopher had so much fun that he didn't realise that almost a month had passed. One night, Christopher had a strange dream, he dreamed that his parents were on the shore of the island calling to him and embracing him. Tears of joy were streaming down their faces. Then he saw them building a big farm and living there. The next morning, he saw two figures on the beach. His parents ran towards him, happiness and tears of joy shone on their faces as they hugged him. Christopher asked them a question he had been thinking about ever since his dream, “Can we live on this island please?” “I don't see why not, “replied his father. So they sailed back home to buy supplies and built a large farm for the animals to take shelter on the island. How come everything I dream about comes true? wondered Christopher. As they settled down safe and sound for years to come.