Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 8

Jong, 964 A.D. Bradbury School, Atepolikhin, Lea - 8 964 A.D. In china a little girl called Jong was born. Her father, King Yu, wanted to sell some stuff like bowls, plants, plats, chopsticks, cups, spoons and some watermelons. When Jong was 8 she told her whole class how she wanted to become an explorer. When Jong was 14 she got through and she was welcome to join the Academy. In the Academy she met Jang, Weiwei , Li , Ding and Bing. At 10 they started the journey. Frist Jong wanted to go to the poor parts of China. The first stop was Henan. When they got there it looked so gloomy that Jong could not see herself living there . The first stop was a family of four with grandparents. They wanted everything they had. After 10 houses the boat was starting to leave and thankfully they got on the boat. “Next step Shenzi!” cried Jong. When they got there it was a world of delight and they didn’t know where to start. They knew that they needed to go to the countryside. When they got there it looked so gloomy they did not know where to start. “There were about 20 houses here but our budget 10 houses” Wei Wei said surprisingly. “ There are 15 houses- we have knock on people’s doors and ask if they are poor or not”, said Jong boringly. When they finish knocking on all of the doors the boat was about to leave but they didn't want to miss another one so they just left it and none of those people got to have gifts. They ran finally got on the ferry. “Next Shandon!”, said Li excitingly. “ I'm so excited to go to Africa, India and Arabia!”, said Jang excitedly. When they Arrived in Shandong it looked just an ordinary city. They walked across this big mountain and found some poor people. The first stop was an old man and his name was Xingdong. He wanted everything but he wished he had some fresh water to drink instead of discussing water from the -river side. When they finished the tenth they all walked peacefully to the ferry. “Next, Africa, which is going to take a week. Luckily we have rooms”, said Jong after the boat ride. When they got there it looked like a zoo. They walked down the river Nile. When they got there they went further down the town and Jong thought that there would be poor people but there were no poor people, just a pack of lions. So they walked up the river and got on the boat. “Why did the king of Africa, King Jack , let there be poor people?” said Jang. No response. Next India. When they got off the boat it was near the poor side so they did need to go anywhere. So the first house there was a grandma shouting at them. The grandma said, “ Don't go here, you know that you’re not supposed to.” So she slammed the door. “So there only 9 house I guess”, said Li . When they finished all 10 house they walk on the boat. Next Arabia. When the boat was boarding the dock the king Mohammed could see that the boat was from China and he does not like china so Jong said. “ Guys,get ready for a war quietly!” . When they got the ferry they were all ready and king Mohammed shouted and the war began. They were able to give some stuff. So Jung and Jong sneakily went up a mountain and when they were half way through they saw a poor man’s watermelons and plants and they asked if there were any poor people. A bow and arrow shot at Jang and Jong they both had to sit out and Shu helped them. After Shu helped them he went back to the war. The Arabians won so king Mohammed said, “Give all the goods!”. He chuckled at the end. So Jong said, “ We only have bowls, plates, plants chopsticks, watermelons, cups and spoons.” King Mohammed said, “ Bring it all to me!”, so they passed it on. When they got back all the parents told them to tell what happened. And Jong was the best at explaining it.