Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 246

Father and Son Pui Ching Primary School, Chung, Chi Yuen Chase - 11 “Waaa-Waaa…” A small crying sound broke the silence in the little hut. Cheung Hoi Ting was born in Hong Kong, China. They were a happy family until 3rd March, 1389. Their father buried something in the forest near their hut. Then their father was never to be seen again. His mum told him that his father died. Two months after Cheung’s father’s disappearance, the Heffelies moved to a new hut which was close to the harbor and the China royal fleet. James often went to the harbor to hear the stories of pirates, told by the British sailors from the China Royal Fleet. Once, he heard stories about one of the most famous pirate captain of China, Captain Bullseye. Captain Bullseye lead a fleet of pirates called The Monsters, but the Monsters weren’t ordinary sailors killing and stealing ships, they were pirates who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. This made them quite popular because of all the “kind” things they had done. However, the rich people hate them, they used their money and power to convince the China Royal Fleet General, General Man, to capture The Monsters. When James was 18 years old, he decided to join the China Royal Fleet and he was now part of one of the most powerful ship of the China Royal Fleet, The Victoria, as a powder monkey, who is the gunner’s assistance. They often went to patrol the seas near Hong Kong. Their job was to keep the coast of Hong Kong safe and to protect the people in the coast from pirates which were popular in the 13th century. Because the seas were usually peaceful, he was always busy cleaning the deck and the toilets which were often very dirty and stinky. One day, when Cheung was cleaning the bathroom, his captain, Captain Rex, yelled from the deck. “Cheung! We are under attack! Come to the cannons and help the gunner!” James quickly raced to the deck and he saw the most horrifying sight unfolded in his eyes. Blood was everywhere. Dead bodies lied on the wooden deck. The next thing he saw was a few pirates slicing Captain Rex’s head off his body and blood flying everywhere. Cheung screamed. “Nooo!” But he regretted it as soon as the words came out of his mouth. The pirates noticed him and closed in on him slowly, raising their weapons and pointing them to Cheung. Suddenly, Cheung saw a big ship with a big “M” on one of the sails on the giant ship. It was the flag ship of the Monsters, The Trista! The ship stopped, like it was going to cough loudly, and it did. The ship coughed out two cannon balls out of her mouths beside the ship’s body, and hit right into the pirates that were threatening Cheung! The Victoria started to sink. Luckily, the ship sent out a small raft and the sailors helped James on the little boat. The crew took him back to the main ship and introduced Captain Bullseye to him. They said that they came to Britain because they stole some gold in China and they want to give it to the poor in Britain. So the pirates came here. James asked the pirates why they helped him and they said that the pirates who were threatening James were the top enemies of The Monsters and they hated pirates who liked torturing people. They said that the evil pirates had a fleet called Kraken and the leader was called Captain Chung. They went to shore and gave the poor and they said that James was now a member of The Monsters and that they were going to Sheng Hai to mend their ship, The Trista. “Set sail to Sheng Hai!” The pirate yelled. The sea was rough but The Monsters sailed happily until they saw the most unexpected sight. It was the Krakens! They saw The Trista, and they attacked The Monsters, shooting cannon balls at The Trista. Pirates also shot their pistols, muskets and swung to the ship armed with sabers and daggers. Suddenly, Cheung saw a shocking sight. He thought he saw his father, but it couldn’t be true. His father should be long dead! He tried to forget it but he couldn’t shake it off and concentrated on the battle. The feeling was too strong! He saw enemies swinging into The Trista and he caught sight of a familiar face. It was different, but not much. The man was fighting his friend, but when he took a glimpse on Cheung, he dropped his sword and his jaw dropped too. The man was no ordinary pirate, he was Cheung’s father! However, his friend did not know this and charged at him with his sword. Cheung’s instincts kicked in and fired his pistol and hit his friend right in his head! The body collapsed on the deck, and it was the end of him. Cheung was sad but relieved because he saved his father’s life. He joined forces with his father, and they quickly beat them. After the epic battle, Cheung’s father told him the truth. The dreaded truth. Cheung’s father told him that he always wanted to have a more exciting life, since he had a miserable and boring childhood. Once he heard about The Krakens, and he always wanted to join. One night, he and Cheung’s mother had a big argument about him joining The Krakens. He decided to join them secretly, so it was the reason he disappeared. Cheung finally solved the huge question in deep inside him. Little did Cheung knew the adventures have just begun.