Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 223

The Missing Piece Peak School (ESF), Donovan, Iris - 10 1405, China Ming Dynasty The wind blew against my face as the smell of the salty sea filled the air around me. I could feel the sweat run down my forehead. My arms were aching from all the rowing and rowing. I’ve been trying to find land for about 2 days now. Everybody was looking for me in my hometown, where I ran away from. I ran away because everyday was plain, and everyday was the same. I had to work on a farm because my dad, the money maker of the family, was sent on a journey by the Yongle Emperor. My dad was honoured to be a part of the treasure fleet and he excitedly went off and never came back. So I have gone to Calicut, India to try find him. But then I saw it! I saw it, “Land!” I shouted. The fog started to clear up and I looked closer and it was, it was a boat. But it wasn’t just any old boat, it was a huge boat, and there was gold and treasure in it. I was startled as I saw the miniature people strolling across the boat. I didn’t want them to see me. Dad had told me all about the pirates of the Bay of Bengal. I thought they were pirates until I heard one of them say “We’re never going to get to land without pirates finding us!”. As I listened to the concerned voice I calmed down. I wanted to ask for help to see if they could bring me to land, but I couldn’t. I was way too scared. I tried to ignore the big boat as I rowed my way past them. As I was minding my own business, one of the patrollers shouted “LOOK, IT’S A GIRL!” I jumped up to my feet in alarm. For a second I felt relaxed, but then all of a sudden a wave pushed my boat to one side. I jumped and waved my arms all around and landed headfirst straight down into the ocean. All the noise became muffled, as I sank deeper and deeper. I felt trapped and not able to move. The very next thing I saw was the boat’s nurse, who set me down on a bed. All I could hear was the shouting and screaming that was coming from the deck. I sprang up, in confusion. The Nurse calmly held my hand and soothingly whispered, “ It’s alright, everything will be fine.” As soon as I heard that, I felt like someone finally loved me, someone finally cared. I felt a warm feeling in my heart. I sat back down. I asked, “ what's happening?” “Just another fight, the pirates have returned”, the nurse said. I gulped. Then all of a sudden I heard something. It sounded like a familiar voice. It stuck out from the rest. It was a voice that had that a strong, brave sound to it. My heart took over, I knew this voice was important. And I knew this voice mattered. This voice gave me the same warm feeling that the nurse’s words gave me. I burst the door open. I felt like everything went slow, it was as if the world wanted me to pay attention. I glanced back and forth from all the pirates and sailors. Nobody noticed,and nobody cared. But then I heard the voice once again. I walked through the fight. All my fears flew away all because of the one familiar voice that seemed to be the reason I came here. As I finally shoved past the last soldier, I saw him. I looked up at his messy long hair, his bright brown eyes, and his beautiful smile. Papa! I fell to my knees in surprise as tears raced down my cheeks. I sprung straight up and gave him a big smile. It was like we had a whole conversation without saying a single word. “Li Li!” My father said “I love you so much”. “I’m so sorry” he whispered. “I Love you too!” I replied.