Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 2 -1 2019 | Page 179

“Were safe,”assured father giving me a cup of hot green tea. This was clearly not home.I was in a dim,damp cave.With a single comforting candle.I was too distressed,not knowing what to do.Wrapped tightly in a warm blanket,father comforted me. “We’re okay,”he whispered. I looked around the cave it was not okay.About sixteen from 28 were left.Some were crying and weeping for losing their loved ones.Co- captain,yi wei,was in a dreadful mourning.I just kept asking myself over and over. ‘How are we to return to china with the traded goods?’ Chapter 5:The zulala tribe. My back was painful from the rocks and all we were doing for a endless tiring one hour was wait for hope.People threw up of homesickness,people were weeping and some fast asleep.I still remember it. Painful.Utter misery. All of a sudden,we heard music,drums laughter.It seemed like the people who were doing this were having fun.for us, fun was unimaginable in this kind of horrific situation.The noice kept going our way and eventually we were face to face with a group of colourful people.They hooted and cheered.The only thing we understood was them chanting out loud, “Zulala tribe!Zulala tribe!,” They stared at us for a long moment and gently felt our precious chinese silk.I thought they were going to trade us something,and that’s exactly what they did.Offering something even better than fruit.Soon,our silk,tea and gold was gone but us pirates had parrots,gold from the africans and jewellery.Even better, a boat.We were crying for joy.What the Zulala tribe did was unthinkable kindness.I mean who would’ve done that for us if the zulala tribe didn’t? Later that day,we happily communicated by actions,while having a fire by our side.I vowed that I would always remember the zulala tribe forever.It brought all of us happiness and tought us how to be grateful.I sat thinking about it the whole time. Chapter 7:home sweet home. “China!,”they exclaimed.Father hugged me tightly without saying a word. I finally had the chance to meet mother. “We did it son.we did,”he said proudly. We were soon appreciated by the emporer and all got a bag of gold. I still remember everything I took from this experience.hope,fear and joy. We hoped, We tried, And we did.