Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 1 | Page 88

The Last Voyage of Max St Stephen's College Preparatory School, Yue, Sherlock - 8 Chapter 1 – Max abroad the ship It was a peaceful morning in Beijing. Max just woke up at six p.m. He knew today would be a special day. Max is a fourteen years old boy. Since he was six, he learned archery. Today the emperor asked Max to go to the ship for training people about archery and prepare to fight with enemies. When Max went up to the ship, Cheng He told the other archers that Max was the instructor of archery. He also told Max that they were going to the Middle East. They prepared the ship with loads of foods, weapons, supplies and armours. The most important thing was to trade precious things that belonged to China. The captain showed Max his room. Max tidied up his supplies and went to the breakfast room and eat with the other sailors. Chapter 2 – The Pirate Encounter On the way to the Middle East, we had to pass the Pacific Ocean. There was a storm in the wide path so we had to go to the narrow path to avoid the storm. However, the narrow path is where the pirates hide. “There is the narrow path in front of us! Prepare the powerful weapon and get ready to fight!” shouted the captain. The pirate spotted us and started to launch the fireball to our ship but Cheng He already knew that would happen. So he commanded the soldiers to fire the water cannons. Max and the other sailors defeated the pirates. Chapter 3 – Trading in the Middle East They were almost at the Middle East. It was in the afternoon but then someone spotted an island. The people in the island talked a different language called “Arabian”. Cheng He did not understand but he made some actions that people knew what he was talking about. The King invited Cheng He and the sailors to have tea in the palace. Cheng He said that they would like to give some precious items from China to where they travel. The King wanted to trade special items including Camels, gold, silver with the Chinese fleets. They became good friends and the King decided to send some people to visit China. Chapter 4 – Back to Beijing After they went to the Middle East, Cheng He decided to return to China. When Max went to his room, he found that something was strange. There was a cloth on the table which wrote, “Pirates ahoy! We stole some of your precious things and throw them in an island. I told my boss to get that treasure in one hour by now. Yeah! The gold is ours. It’s in Korea. Ha Ha Ha.” Max told the other sailors and they all agreed that they need to take back the gold. Max and Cheng He turned the ship to stop at Korea and took back the gold. After many days, they went back to China. They went to the Emperor’s palace with the camel and the Arabian people and the Emperor was pleased to see that Cheng He and Max brought back camel and the Arabian visitors. And then they wanted to take a break because they had travelled for so long and didn’t take a rest. They ate something and all went to bed. Chapter 5 – The Last Look of Cheng He The next day, the Emperor brought them to see Cheng He because he had bad news to say. Cheng He said, “Take a last look of me, I’m dying but I’m happy because I went the seven voyages with you guys. I’m really proud of you all.” The sailors all cried and their faces were full of tears. Cheng He said that something very important. He wanted to be buried at sea. When Cheng He was dead, the sailors did what Cheng He told them. Max remembered all the trips and voyages they had spent together. Max lived happily ever after. I’m an eight year old girl from the Kingdom of Lanka, a beautiful island country in the Indian Ocean. People call me Blue-Elephant because every day, I help, a “Saint”, elephant to take bath in the River of Orchid, to eat and play. This is near to the Temple of Tooth where I live with monks.