Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 1 | Page 84

Wormhole St. Stephen's College Preparatory School, Yeung, Blevins - 9 It all started one afternoon when our rocket was about to take off. I was super excited because I was in this mission with my two astronaut brothers! Never have I thought it would become an extraordinary adventure… I was an astronaut and our mission was to explore Saturn for our country. Our rocket blasted off as planned. After we left the atmosphere, something went wrong! A strong, mysterious force pulled our rocket away from the track. When our rocket finally became steady, we found ourselves travelling through a dark tunnel, our compass had lost its function and we were heading to an unknown direction. “Where are we?” I asked. “I think we are in a wormhole!” my smart brother replied. “Wormhole? I can’t see any worms outside,” said my dumb little brother curiously. “Not the hole with worms, people say wormholes are secret passages that makes you travel through time,” I said. “What?” my brother was shocked. “We don’t know yet, but we’ve got to stay calm for now,” I replied. The rocket began to twist and twirl like we were inside a tornado! In a blink of an eye, we found ourselves in a cabin on a wooden sailing boat crossing the ocean. We saw ourselves in sailor uniforms and there were hundreds of sailors and other boats around us. We found out from them that we were in the Ming dynasty! There was no way we could escape because we were in the middle of the ocean. “I see land, is that home?” asked my little brother. “That’s not home, it’s India. Have you forgotten that the king commanded us to offer gifts to other countries? India is next!” a sailor told us. We went back to our cabin and started discussing our escape plan. We decided to be disguised as sailors until we found a way to escape. We believed that was the safest option. We followed the crew as they carried jewelry and goods for the Indian king. There was no way for us to escape from there because we didn’t know their language and neither did they. The fleet then sailed to Africa to continue the journey. However, we weren’t welcomed there. The Africans misunderstood us as enemies and the battle between us was fierce. My brothers and I managed to keep ourselves alive by hiding inside the cabin over the four days of fight. After we left Africa, we went to Arabia. It was so hot there and crossing the desert was impossible. We carried loads of goods to the Arabian king and it was a long walk. We accidentally walked on quicksand and sank quickly together with some goods and others. We were terrified and thought we would die. Suddenly we found ourselves in our rocket on the track to Saturn! We did not know how that happened, yet, all we knew was that we were going to have a few sailors joining us and loads of goods to Saturn!