Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 1 | Page 40

Sharks and Pirates Regents Primary School of Shenzhen, Hu, Rui Harry - 6 I followed Lord He to the south of the Atlantic Ocean, and it was smooth until one day... On this day, we were caught in a very rough sea. You could see, there were sharks all over the sea, and these sharks were huge. They were swimming around our ship. We all stood around the sides of the ship to watch.We were moving forward, and the sharks were following us. All of a sudden, a few big ships came up, with skulls and crossbones sign on the bows, and the crew of the ship shouted, ‘Oh no, pirates!’ Lord He immediately came to the bow to look, ‘Yes, they are the pirates, we are ready to fight!’ For a moment, the crew was ready, and the gunners were in position to lift the awning that sheltered the muzzle, adjust the muzzle position and mount the cannon. We were ready to fire! All of a sudden, something strange happened and we saw the sharks rushing towards the pirate ships. Some of these sharks were hitting the ship; some were trying to jump onto the ship. The pirates also continued firing as we heard the sound of guns. We stopped the ship and watched. After being hit by a pirate shell, the sharks experienced extreme pain but they still kept going forward and rushing to the pirate’s ships. ‘Wow, it was amazing and crazy!’ We all looked silly! After a period of fighting, the pirates retreated. They turned around and ran away. The sharks were still in the water, cruising around and playing as if they were celebrating a victory! In order to thank the sharks for their help, Lord He ordered us to throw the beef, horse meat and mutton off the ship to the sharks. The sharks were very happy to enjoy the delicious food. We steered the ship and continued to sail the Atlantic Ocean!