Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 1 | Page 29

The Voyage of Speed Smith Kau Yan School, Yeung, Adrian - 7 It was a sunny day. Speed Smith had a crew. They were going to the west, England. He, aka Speed Smith, set sail. He was bringing a golden cup, a golden sword and many mini golden statues to the emperor. One day, they saw a pirate ship. They battled and battled. And then it came the Kraken! It destroyed everything except Speed Smith and his crew. The pirate ship was destroyed. The Kraken was gone. They sailed and sailed again. Suddenly, they saw a gigantic tornado. They sailed away from the tornado fast. But they could not outrun it. It spun them in the middle of the sky. After spinning for a while, they were pulled back to the sea. Luckily, no one was hurt. And, they sailed and sailed again. Speed Smith saw a crocodile. The crocodile attacked the crew in the lower deck. And Speed Smith took out his powerful sword to kill it by stabbing the sword into its mouth. The crew was saved. When Speed Smith thought it should be almost in England. The crew saw the land. “Oh yes, we are here.” Speed Smith shouted out. They finally delivered the golden cup, sword and statues to the emperor successfully. The emperor was very happy.