Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 1 | Page 17

Harry Potter and the Ming Treasure Voyage Dulwich College Beijing, Rong, Jason - 6 I am Lele Zhu, Captain of an entire fleet of vessels of Ming Treasure Voyage. The mission of the voyage is to give out gold and silk as gifts to other nations. Here the story begins… It was the year 1424 and I was 32 years old. One day I was onboard thinking ways to improve our military readiness when suddenly a sailor shouted:” Pirates, Pirates” It was true. Our ship rocked as a bomb exploded near our ship. As the captain, I had to shout: “All hands onboard! Do not panic!” I tried to light a torch to tell the other ships that pirates were attacking us. But just as I stepped onto the deck, a light blinded me and the crew onboard. A child about 18 years old stepped through as if it was a portal. He was carrying a stick. When onboard, he pointed his stick at the pirates and cried:” Expecto Patronum!” Little waves came out of his stick and got bigger and bigger. When the waves finally hit the pirate ship, it overturned the ship with an unbelievable force. Seeing that the pirates were defeated, the boy turned to us. “You are in immortal danger.” “What? Why? How can I thank you for saving us?” “Now that is a little thing.” He grinned at me. At least I learned one thing: That stick was a wand. The boy stayed with us for a long time and I found out that his name was Harry Potter. One day, it was noon and I invited Harry to lunch. He said he could make lunch for us but we needed to escape from a person called Voldemart after we finished lunch. Some of my crew didn’t believe him. “Rubbish!” One shouted. “Stupid zit!” There were boos all around the table. I shot them a look and they immediately shut their mouth. After all, it was Harry who saved us. I tried to make up for what they said:” Err… sorry. My crew—” “No need.” “Then can you please start cooking?” He, of course used magic to cook. The next morning, we went whale-watching. We all saw a lot of whales but when I saw the last one, I fainted. It was faintable to humans, so I have to let Harry write: I got my Nimbus 2000 broomstick and went searching. I wanted to find it… But it found me. I attacked it with spells but nothing happened. Then it attacked me. Terrified and scared, I pierced a sword…In the end, I won . “Land!” A sailor shouted. Once we made onshore, we carried bags of treasure to the land, ready to give them to the people living there. But the indigenous people thought we were pirates and tied us up. They threatened to burn us alive. After some explanation, we convinced them that we were sent by the mighty Ming Emperor. At the end, we made good friends.