Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction Group 1 | Page 10

New Tales of the Ming Treasure Voyages: Mission to the Outer Edge of the Universe Creative Primary School, Wong, Jasmine - 7 Once upon a time, an astronaut called Zheng Yuet from Earth was sent to explore and bring back riches from the seven planets. After ten hours of traveling, Zheng Yuet finally landed on a rocky planet. It smelt of petrol, something the Earth was short of. She stepped out and met Petroly, the President of the planet. ‘‘Hi, are you living here?’’ Petroly asked. ‘‘Um, I’m not, but I come to explore!’’ Zheng said cautiously. ‘‘Do take some petrol as my humble present of friendship.’’ the President said chucklingly. ‘‘Thank you.’’ Zheng Yuet replied, overwhelmed by the alien’s generosity as she carried buckets of petrol away. She quickly drove her spaceship to the second planet. Once arrived, the Leader Hydrolen cheered, ‘‘A visitor! How wonderful!’’ ‘‘Uh, hello…’’she said stepping out to a sea of clean, sparkly water. ‘‘Are you sure… you are going to exploit this beautiful planet?’’ she muttered under her breath. Then she thought about her mission. ‘‘Alright, getting some fresh water won’t do any harm.’’ When she landed on the third planet, she found so many of Earth’s endangered animals. ‘‘Hello!’’ said Pedana, the Chairman of this place. She gave Zheng Yuet a hug. Completely forgetting her mission, Zheng said, ‘‘Do you mind if I exchange this I-pad for that Chinese pink dolphin?’’ ‘‘It’s OK!’’ Pedana laughed. They agreed on the mutual trade. Next, she went to the fourth planet, which was covered by forest. Tlee the Village Chief greeted her. ‘‘So many trees here… I’ll take some!’’ Zheng Yuet stammered, offering Tlee a computer. ‘‘No problem, my friend.’’ Tlee said, packing the trees and flowers in a lavender bag. Oxmen the Commander on the fifth planet welcomed Zheng with an airy voice. ‘‘Oxygen. Oh! Oxygen,” Zheng sang elatedly while Oxmen was pumping the air into a huge tank of her spaceship, neglecting even the idea of fair trade. She arrived at the sixth planet and met Nongevity, its Tribal Head. ‘‘I want some long life, please?’’ She asked impudently. Nongevity took his wand and bellowed, ‘‘Lony Tiffano!’’ Some smoke flew into a bag. He wrapped ‘long life’ up and gave it to Zheng Yuet. ‘‘What can still quench my thirst to exploit?’’ She grinned when she got to the seventh planet. It was a dry, cold and ruined piece land with only a few habitants. A shabby child called Evol stood in front of her. ‘‘Do you want to stay in our cabin tonight? It is warmer there.’’ he said with an innocent welcoming smile. All of a sudden, Zheng Yuet felt the fatigue from this long journey. The spaceship was fully loaded with ‘treasures’ but something was still missing. She spent the night with the poor kid and his family, and gave them all the clean water, fresh air, plants, animals, energy and longevity they needed. “I discovered I come all the way here to find one thing, love”, Zheng Yuet told herself as she decided to make this exotic planet her home.