Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4567 | Page 368

“ I ... my anger got the best of me that time . I shouldn ’ t have exploded like that , at you .” I slumped my shoulders in defeat . “ I was too frustrated , frustrated at trying to help you , you wouldn ’ t say a word to me , you wouldn ’ t look at me , not even now . And I let my emotions take over and called you all those horrible things , when you had your own problems you ’ re dealing with too . I ’ m sorry , it was terrible of me , but I want to help you , I really do .”
The silence was deafening . When I was about to apologize again , he spoke up .
“ A hermit . A recluse . Good for nothing . No one will be there for you in the end .”
“ Look , I really shouldn ’ t have said those things but- ”
“ What I ’ m trying to say is , I drove you to the point where you stopped caring and started yelling . We ’ re playing a game of stubbornness , and I ’ m pretty sure I had won right there and then . I didn ’ t expect you to come back .” He finally turned around and looked at me with a small , weary smile . I finally saw his face up close for the first time in a long while . He didn ’ t have bags under his eyes , but it seemed like all the energy in him had been drained out . The light that used to shine in his eyes had been lost long ago . “ You don ’ t have to bother anymore . You ’ re trying to help , but I don ’ t need it . I ’ m my own person , and I ’ m the one who decides what to do with my own life . You don ’ t have to juggle two lives to handle anymore , I ’ ll be fine .”
He turned towards his city and picked up a clay warrior next to the wall , and stared at his creation , lost in thought . I was at a loss for words ; he wanted me to hate him , wanted me to leave him alone for good . Did he honestly believe I ’ d give up on him just like that ? I ’ ve spent too many hours worrying , trying to finds ways to help him , and here he is , rejecting it all in a single blow . I felt my fists shaking , too worked up to hold back harsh words ,
“ You want to be disconnected from the world entirely , from everyone , from your friends ? Stay here another year , another decade even , you say you ’ re your own person , but you clearly have no idea what ’ s good for you .” I clenched my fists , emotion overwhelming me once again . I grabbed him by his shirt , pulling him back up to look me in the eyes . “ You deny you need help , and push away whoever tries to get close . To lose both your parents at such a young age is unbearable , but you can ’ t keep living this way , locked away as a slave to your sorrow and guilt . The first step you need to do is open up ; let people in and tear down the walls you ’ ve built up these months .” He struggled against my grip , protesting in weak mumbles in attempt to brush off my words , but I hardened my clutch on him .
“ You can ’ t get over grief in a day , but you ’ ve spent too long in solitude . Do you honestly think your parents would be proud of you now ? To see their only child drop out of college from heartache and become a recluse ?” Hearing those words , he snapped his head towards me , glaring daggers and visibly agitated .
“ You don ’ t even know the full story ,” he hissed behind clenched teeth .