Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4567 | Page 314

and a big teardrop slid down her cheek . My heart instantly softened and I crouched down , smoothing out her hair . She pointed to a woman who lay lifelessly on the cobblestone street . The woman ’ s abdomen was pierced , and crimson trickled from her wound . It was the girl ’ s mother . Sudden rage shot through me once I made sense of what might have happened . It thoroughly sickened me to know that some people had such little humanity towards the defenseless mother and child , and it sickened me even more to know that I was also one of their kinds .
I dropped my knife and took the girl ’ s hand . My immediate response was to seek shelter and ensure the girl ’ s safety . We headed to a temple nearby , hoping the Buddhist monks could provide us with a refuge . Frantically I banged on the studded gates of the red building until someone came and open the door for us .
The monks hurried us past the giant golden Buddha statues to a small storage room which was unnoticeable to anyone not familiar with place . They gave us some water and bandages , and then locked the wooden door of the storage room with a thick log . All was silent as we sat in darkness . Surprisingly , I treasured every moment of staying in a place rid of blood and agonizing cries of distress . Some time passed and my eyes got adjusted to the dim light . The little girl suddenly placed her small palm on her chest . “ Zhen .”
“ Akio ,” I replied , and a small smile tugged at my lips . Zhen shuffled closer and laid her tiny head on my lap . She wept silently and though we could only communicate through gestures , we had total trust in each other . I sang a Japanese lullaby until Zhen ’ s labored breathing grew steady .
I did not keep track of how long we stayed in the room , but eventually I heard a man shout something in Japanese . I woke Zhen from her slumber and put a finger over her lips .
“ Search the second floor ! I ’ ll take care of the monks ,”
I could recognize my youngest brother ’ s voice anywhere . I gestured Zhen to hide behind a stack of grains . I had to keep her safe from my family , as they would not hesitate to slaughter any living being . We , Japanese pirates were ruthless . It was almost like they killed for pure pleasure .
Straight away , the wooden door was kicked open with a powerful bang . Blinding light flooded the room .
“ Akio !” exclaimed my brother with a grin on his face . “ What on earth are you doing here ? Did you get any gold ?”
I shook my head . My brother gave me a stone face . He muttered and ordered me to get back to the ship before nightfall . He slammed the storage room door and ushered me out of the black studded gates of the temple .
My mouth was agape as I stepped out of the gates . The city of Shanghai was desolate . Houses collapsed with rubble scattered everywhere . Dark veins of crimson stained the cobblestone streets . The only trace of movement was from the speckles of dust that danced in the air where sunlight shone .
A while later , my brother stepped out of the temple and together we headed back to our ship . I felt as if I couldn ’ t breathe as my brother walked me proudly through the deserted village and market . From afar I could see that Mother had prepared sake on the deck . The pirates were raising their glasses with each other on their victory .
The anchor was hauled up and the wind pushed us forward . As we set sail , my eldest brother clambered up on his chair , sake in hand .
“ I would like to make a toast !” he announced . He turned , gazed upon the sad , desolate land and grinned . “ Look at what we have conquered . Think of the luxuries we are going to enjoy ! No wall , no force can possibly stop us . We are victorious , brothers . We are rich ! ” This earned a roaring chorus of whoops and cheers .
But I knew at that moment that there was none in the world poorer than them .
So I finally made my choice . I ran to the railing and jumped off the deck , plummeting into the sea , and headed ashore .
“ Akio !”
I ignored the screaming and yelling . I knew that after a while they wouldn ’ t bother coming after me , so I kept on swimming . The cold waves lapped over each other , rushing into my face . I spluttered and gasped and laughed with delight .
This is what I ’ d always wanted . I could never have the valor or the savagery that my family expects . I want to be my own man , lead my own life with only my own expectations . I want to stay true to my values and do whatever I believe to be right .