Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4567 | Page 312

“It's easy to replicate one, especially since we have a copy of our own.” Mushang said, rubbing circles on her tattoo. Zhengli was at the brink of consciousness at this point. Everything he heard seemed to be coming from another plane of existence; a distant ethereal echo. Someone knocked at the door. Luoyang came in. “The cart is ready.” Mushang nodded. “Good.” She turned to look down at Zhengli. “Sweet dreams, my prince.” Then, Zhengli closed his eyes and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. EPILOGUE William chuckled at the paper. “How was your trip to Austria?” Mushang asked in near-perfect English, sipping her tea. “It was simply splendid. Although I had been given limited...privileges...I still had a wonderful time.” He replied, flicking the paper down to make it straight. “How's that poor Snake doing?” “Locked up in prison.” Mushang said. “That forged Japanese letter even got the linguist there believing he was working for the Japanese.” William nodded. Silence passed. “I must say, that went more smoothly than I could have imagined.” Mushang said, breaking the ice. “As my apprentice in the trade, you must place full trust in your teacher, you know.” William chided. “You followed my instructions, and it went splendidly.” “Right.” Mushang said. William meticulously folded the newspaper and neatly placed it down on the table, next to his tea. “Old Shanghai will continue to serve as an intermediary of opium in this noise. And besides, what could ever go wrong, right?” “Of course, teacher. You're right.” He chuckled to himself and raised his teacup. “Cheers?” Mushang smiled and raised hers. “Cheers.” They clinked their teacups together. As they drank, Mushang looked at the newspaper. OFFICER WILLIAM MADDOX RESTORED RIGHTFUL HONOR AS TRUE CRIMINAL GU ZHENGLI AWAITS FINAL JUDGEMENT FOR COLLABORATING WITH THE JAPANESE -----THE END-----