Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4567 | Page 105

Time seemed to slow down, almost to a stop. I was unusually conscious of my surrounding, any slightest movement or sound I would notice during the few seconds. It's happening again. I gripped my shirt and formed a fist above where my heart was located. My breathing intervals got quicker. Tighter. “but be caref——pickpocket——be careful——lots of pickpocketing…” the coachman's voice echoed in my mind. I tried to calm down, tried to convince myself it was just a phone, I tried, but it wasn't working…Pills! I quickly grabbed it from my left pocket. Turned the cap and a bunch tumbled out. My hand was trembling intensively, and the shoving of the crowd made it worst. A few jumped out, I immediately got hold of my hand to contain the others. “Fight! Fight!” what’s that, no. A brawl was about to begin. I qui—— NO! Like dominos the impact received ahead down through people . I propelled back and lost the pills. No…. Should've taken another route… My sight was flickering. I could feel my heart thudding rapidly, vigorously, pumping blood towards my head. It felt heavy. Nause——. This morning 9:35 a team of archaeologist discovered an ancient relic in the excavation site of XinMatou. It takes the form of a rectangular block, and It is believed to be some kind of book used in ceremonies. The relic has been sent to the science depart for further examination… “We have now identified the rectangular block. It is a smartphone, similar to the ones we are using now. The camera, the buttons are all in similar places. We have excluded the possibility of forgery. From several aspects this is a huge breakthrough for us. We will be continue excavating the site in search for more possible 'relics’...”