Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4567 | Page 90

4. My ears pricked up, as I reached into my satin pocket to pay for the rice. There were shouts from the far end of the street. I shot a quizzical glance at the young boy I gave my coins to, and he shook his pale head in reply, equally as confused. It wasn't soon before I peeked the shock of red, with glimpses of navy blue buttons rounding the corner and dark midnight following the planes of broad shoulders, finally leading up to set jaws and neutral expressions. One of the few guards were trying to calm down an elder man, who was shouting angrily, while two were searching the pockets of a younger man, presumably the gray-haired man’s son by the reaction given. The wide eyes of the adolescent before me flickered to mine in fright, while I shot him a reassuring smile in response, “Don’t worry about it too much, I’m sure it’s nothing important. Just be careful.” He returned a grateful grin, although he wasn't convinced, and handed me my change. “Don’t touch me!” The shout was audible, as I was pocketing the spare money. My head turned back to commotion only metres away, curiously. The man was sprinting. Before I could register what was happening, my shoulder was knocked over, and my side hit the ground hard. I lifted my head as a guard offered me his hand, apologising briefly. I thanked him, but before I could ask about the man, he had run off. 5. Chen Guang was seething when I had gotten home, “You imbecile!” I was taken aback before realisation hit me, and I had to bite my bottom lip to hide an oncoming laugh. Cheng Guang smelt awful. Out of sheer boredom, I had mixed dirty toilet water into her shampoo earlier this morning as a harmless prank. “If you think this is funny, you’re completely and utterly wrong. Who do you think you are?” She approached me with so much menace; I couldn’t help but take a step back. My snickers fell short. “This is the reason you don’t belong in this house, you intruding prick!” I flinched at her venomous tone. “Zhang Wun can live without you, although you don't seem to think so. I have connections, and know dangerous people; you chose the wrong woman to mess with-” The door slammed open. Chen Guang paused before laughing manically, and I had whipped my head to stare at her incredulously. “Honey, the funniest thing happened today!”