Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4567 | Page 241

Mars Articles Shanghai Singapore International School, Mah, Xian Ying – 14 N ovember Issue Date: 11/19/2136 UNCANNY PHONE CONVERSATION UNCOVERED, CHANGES THEORIES ABOUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO EARTH Next article: UNITED NATIONS OF MARS STARTS TO LOSE TRUST IN OUR ALLY, JUPITER JUPITER DENIES THAT THEY ARE AGGRESSIVE Many believe that Earth was completely destroyed and dominated a century ago by Earth’s malfunctioning robots. No living Earthlings remained. However, yesterday, cyber archaeologists uncovered a series of texts and phone conversations in a phone. The source is from a century ago, in Shanghai, China, Earth. “It might be a conversation between two Earthling girls. One of them is named Blind Mushroom while the other is still unknown,” says archaeologist QW11. Cyber archaeologists couldn’t screenshot the texts. However, they have successfully typed up a transcript of it for this article. Transcript of text messages: Unknown: I lost my shoulder bag!! Blind mushroom: ?? Unknown: help!! Blind mushroom: where did you lose it? Unknown: … Blind mushroom: right sorry Blind mushroom: wait…isn’t ur bag tied to ur phone? Unknown: erm I m holding my phone rn so no Blind mushroom: No I mean tied Blind mushroom: the app that lets ur phone locate ur keys or whatever Unknown: oh yea right! Im so not used to modern tech Unknown: Location: Shanghai Hongqiao TXMall Block B, 2 n d floor, Basic Dep Co. Unknown: I found it