Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4567 | Page 140

A Day in the Life – A Shanghai Adventure
King George V School , Caiulo , Riccardo - 14

W hat a place Shanghai has become …. Completely transformed from friendly neighborhoods to one giant center . I used to play around in fields that are now markets , used to study in schools that are now massive residential towers . I miss them . I really do , but that won ’ t change anything . Only my job can . Being a friendly tourist advisor and bringing them around to see “ Shanghai , The Paris of the East !” doesn ’ t seem like such a bad job , especially compared to the things that happen around these parts .

The neighborhood I pass to get to work every day has a reputation for getting people stolen , drugged and put into a ship where they ’ ll become sailors for the rest of their lives . It ’ s so common people here actually have gotten accustomed to it , I even heard people calling it “ Getting Shanghai ’ ed ”. What a bunch of bollocks . These people have no idea what Shanghai really is , and even with all of the wonderful revolution and technology the westerners brought , this place has only gotten worse . Before I used to call this place a home , now it ’ s just a temporary stop sign before the next big adventure , before the next big “ Where ?”. It doesn ’ t matter anyway , one day I ’ m going to leave and never come back , and as that day approaches I only get more and more tired of doing what I do . Talking about a place you hate once or twice to someone doesn ’ t seem malicious , but doing it every bloody day that passes by eats away at you more than you ’ d think .
As I get to work I start to think about my mother . Oh , what I wouldn ’ t do for that lady , what she didn ’ t do for me . I wonder what tragic secrets she kept , I mean , that ’ s the only reason I have to explain what happened , why she got sick . Believing in God was never my thing , but I guess when something like this happens you ’ re more or less forced into it . How can someone explain something like this without the help of some almighty deity who chose to make her sick , for reasons I still do not exactly know . I wonder if she ’ ll ever get better , if she ’ ll make it through . Honestly every letter I open with her stamp might start with “ We regret to inform you …”. Ugh . Nevermind . I better not dwell on it too much , that distracts me from my work , and work is the only thing keeping me and her alive now anyways .
I see my boss down at the tourist center .
“ Here you are Shing Wai ! The clients are down the alley , they ’ re ready to go .” – My boss said , happily as ever . He always loved this place , I don ’ t understand how he does it . Maybe I should learn from him .
“ Alright ” – I responded .
I walked down the alley and there they were , a happy couple out for an adventure . The man was tall and had broad shoulders and was wearing a suit , a peculiar choice of clothes for such a hot day , while the lady was shorter and was wearing a small dress . Simple and elegant . I take a lot of breaks from the so called “ present ” to think about the situation , the now , not that I ’ m missing anything important . But now it was a real hard push back into my mind . I think the couple reminded me of a life I could have had , of a life I would ’ ve wanted to have . But the love of one man can ’ t stop a whole industry . Shanghai is up for sale , and I can ’ t fight the customer . I suddenly snap back to reality and greet them .
I proceed to take them around the city and walk them through the centers and shops and talk about how amazing the city is and how much of an opportunity it is for foreign investments . That ’ s what they all want to hear . I don ’ t think the same things . I know the truth . Nobody ever appreciates the Shanghai that used to be , everybody is out for the new , the fresh , the brands . This place is a mess , and it ’ ll always be one .
“ So are there more Chinese or Foreigners here ?” one of the clients asked . “ They ’ re mostly spread in equal parts , so I couldn ’ t tell you for sure ,” I responded .
I guess I ’ m over reacting ; maybe the job is taking a toll on me . I ’ ve been working too much and too hard lately , but work is the only thing that keeps me alive , that gives me hope . Maybe I think that the more I work , the more I ’ m helping mom . I just want her to be there when I finally get home to her , when I finally escape this place .
It ’ s noon now and we stop by a small restaurant to eat . The couple buy a huge serving of chicken wings for both of them , and they offer me a few . Maybe if I eat enough now I can skip dinner and save a few bucks .
“ You ’ re not eating ?” asked the lady . “ I have to save money , for my family .” “ Oh poor you ! You can have some more chicken wings if you want .”