Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4-7 2019 | Page 262

They began to walk fast to the first desk. Lexi could merely made out some voices made by swords. They began to walk faster. She could now heard people’s yelling. ‘I’ve to warn you. You will easily get hurt.’ ‘Uh, so you’re actually caring about me?’ She gave him a flirty smile, just in time to hide it when she saw Dave’s serious look, with sweat pouring down his face. ‘I’m just pointing out you’ll be a liability in the battle.’ ‘Ouch, that hurt.’ She glanced at him. ‘You seems pretty tense.’ ‘The pirates I mentioned earlier were some kind of ocean rulers. The few miles from south to north are all their controlled area. We are basically a fish compare to them. I just hope our men are still holding them down.’ They almost reached their destination. Lexi could see the men fighting with all their power. The ship’s floor were decorated with pebbles of roses, not that Lexi had seen much in her life. The air smelled of dead fish, only the cloying smell were sweet. Belatedly, she noticed that both their men and the pirates were dripping with blood. All the blood drained from her face. She grabbed Dave arm before they came to view to the pirates and hid behind the wall next to them. She put her hand on his mouth before he got a chance to speak. ‘I know we can save them. We’re going to beat the pirates hard before they take things that don’t belong to them. But I don’t want to hurt them as much as they hurt us. I really hate doing so.’ Dave took away her hand and put his hand on her head. ‘You don’t have to kill them if that’s what you mean. Just wound them and stop them will be fine. Now, are you ready to go and save our men?’ She nodded, and the next thing she knew, she took out the blade by her side, shiny as the sea water and when moonlight cast an eerie look to the blade, as it was a gift from the nymph. Her ink dark hair weides around her as she, using all the skills passed by her father and the training from Dave, attacked the pirates with such a force that shocked not only the pirates, but also the shipmates as a woman could fight so well in the midst of fog and dark. With the blade passed to her by her mother, she became the new version of her mother - the mighty warrior, who would do anything to protect her own men, to the point on laying down their life. And luckily, Lexi had someone currently by her side and looked out for her. ‘Prefect hit, Lexi. Three o’clock direction. Good. Ten now. Use double hit. Good.’ Though away from her, Dave still shouted out the things that Lexi had to look out to while using his two short yet merciless blades to fight of the pirates. Sooner rather than later, the pirates, black and blue, jumped back to their ship and crumbled to the floor, with a crowd of people surrounding, no wonder treating them, just like Lexi. ‘Traver, can you help him? Thanks.’ She went to Dave’s side with a roll of cloth and some medicine to treat him. Dave sat on the floor and leaned his head onto the ship’s wall. Lexi gasped at the condition of his shoulder. ‘Oh God! It completely ripped open. Ok, Dave, just hold still. Now listen, I’m going to sew your shoulder back with my hair, ok? Next, I’ll bandage your shoulder with the cloth along with the medicine I brought along from home and I swear it will be much better tomorrow that it could function well. You hear me?’ He nodded weakly. ‘Oh goodness, please stay with me just for a little while.’ Her hands shaked as she suppressed her tears. No time for tears, Lexi, she told herself. She took a deep breath and began her work. It didn’t took long, her moves became mechanic and her eyes, in the eye of Dave, turned from violent in the fight to concentration, lack of grief and fear, just concrete and selfless. Or she had been selfless all along, thought Dave, as he gazed into Lexi eyes for escapement from his pained body. After a few moment, her eyes turned relieved and she blew out a breath that she had been holding. She caught Dave’s gaze and him, embarrassed, turned away quickly. Lexi smiled, though it seems forced. Dave turned back to her and held her pale hand. She held his between her hands. ‘What is it Lexi? Talk to me.’ Dave said softly. ‘I’m just…’ A tear dropped. ‘I’m terrified. I saw the blood pouring out of your shoulder just now. And you were so pale, so white, I couldn’t stop but think that you are going away, and I’m terribly haunt by this feeling now. Oh God,’ she put her forehead to their linked hand, ‘don’t you dare to do this again.’ Dave gave out a little laugh, and pulled her to a hug. ‘I swear I won’t scare you like this again.’ She hit his arm playfully, ‘Don’t fool around now. I’m serious.’ Her eyes darken a shade. ‘I don’t want to lose you.’ The eyes of Dave soften, ‘I know. Sorry.’ He smiled at Lexi, ‘Luckily we drove the pirates away.’ ‘Yeh.’ She held Dave up and they began to walk back to the cabins. She looked at Dave with a mischievous smile. ‘Now you can’t consider me as a liability anymore, right?’ ‘Fine, whatever you say.’ ‘Then am I the best fighter?’ ‘Oh, you must be.’ He answered sarcastically.