Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4-7 2019 | Page 122

Introductions were made, the Captain set out his desire to make allegiances. Disaster struck us. The atmosphere turned very frosty. The Sultan demanded three times the amount which had been offered, and the captain appeared not to take it well. We couldn’t give into this demand without jeopardizing future plans. He contemplated deeply before asking our opinions. Xiao He, being afraid to open his mouth, stuttered and fumbled to speak. The captain was looking irritated and about to explode. To take the attention away from Xiao He, I quickly asked the captain if I may be given the chance to communicate with the Sultan as I formulated a plan to resolve this situation. It was granted. I knew I would need my best negotiation skills. My plan was to offer the original amount of gold today, and pay four times the amount should we call upon their services in times of conflict. This would allow us to complete our journey and better negotiate with other countries. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the captain looking distinctively nervous, although I knew I had his support or he would have stopped me a long time ago. Tension was mounting, both sides locked in a staring contest like two cockerels about to engage in battle. The Sultan asked for two hours to consider this matter with his council. We would undoubtedly sweat for a little longer. After a long three hours, we got the result we were looking for. I felt elation and wanted to climb the mast and bellow out “Winner!”. But I composed myself and accepted a few congratulatory pats on the back. Yu Xi also confided in me, she has praised my quick thinking and negotiation skills making me even fonder of her. I am surprised that she even bothered to mention it. To sweeten the deal, we were given fresh food, crates of fruit, fresh drinking water, and enough supplies to support us until our next destination. The gold was left, the captain and the Sultan embraced, completing a satisfactory first leg of our journey. As we set sail from India on course for Arabia, the atmosphere for the first time since leaving port seemed somewhat jovial yet my heart was rather heavy. Yu Xi decided to adopt India as her new home, her seafaring days were over. I am saddened by this, as her company enriched me and her tales were enchanting. Now I think I said goodbye in such a cold manner, it is something I may one day regret. Epilogue The diary eventually ends here. The story of this man remained unknown, and the reasons why the diary didn’t continue is still a mystery today. However, it is proven by history that this ship of sailors led by Zheng He became one of the greatest explorers of the world who successfully made allegiances with India, Africa, Arabia, and a variety of other countries. An official name “Ming Treasure Voyages” was given to this special journey. Eventually, they won themselves a place in history, and were considered as rulers of the sea historically.