Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4 - 7 2018 | Page 99

" There ' s arrangement ."
Xavier sighed , frustrated . Xavier didn ' t like indirect answers , he preferred straight and honest replies .
' Go through this for Genevieve .' Xavier told himself . ' And others as well .' He added to himself as an afterthought .
" It doesn ' t matter Xavier , I will just try to sleep ."
Xavier clenched his fists , hard enough to draw blood . He loathed Major Lin for making Julian seem so helpless . After Julian was asleep , his head tipped to one side and his hands hung loose on both sides . Xavier noticed that Scar was on the verge of sleeping as well . His eyes then met Genevieve ' s for a long slow moment .
" Aren ' t you sleepy ?"
The sudden question startled Genevieve . " No , are you ?"
" No ."
" Let ' s talk ?"
Xavier shrugged . Genevieve moved to sit with Xavier .
" Look , Xavier . I understand that you are upset with me and Scar , but- "
" I don ' t need explanations Genevieve ."
" Can you please hear me out ?"
" Genevieve , I respect you . That ' s the only reason I agreed to come along . I want the same respect back ."
Genevieve slid back down in her seat and slouched . She was starting to have second thoughts about this trip . They had a good nap of 5 hours , but it would be the last nap they would have for a long time
Present Time
" This is reality ." A deep voice boomed over the speakers .
" You ' ll pay for this ." screamed back the tied up judge . “ Let me out of these ropes will you all !”
Genevieve would ' ve run to him to ask how he was , but she was scared to even move . Xavier didn ' t understand what to think , he was told that they had to go to America to steal documents ONLY .
" We are landing ." Major Lin announced . “ Xavier and Julian , come help me free the judge up ”
Both obviously confused but followed orders and freed the judge up .
The judge quickly instructed , " Remember , if any of you turn against me , I ' ll blow this jet up . I have my men there as well , don ' t try to be smart ."
Xavier asked , “ Ok , but can you or Major Lin explain why you were tied up in the cargo bay and what is actually going on ?. And is that guy in the speaker you Judge ?”