Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4 - 7 2018 | Page 265

Thinking about how I got here , I tried to find a way out . “ Am I stuck in a book ?”, I said out loud .
Slumping to the ground next to the fire , I hopelessly flinched at the thought of getting out . What do I do ? Suddenly the image of the mountain I saw when it was bright and the giant hand came to my mind like loud thunder . The hand must the person reading this book . The huge curtain was a page . The reader lifted up the curtain therefore light came in . The mountain was tall . If I reached the top of the mountain while the hand was flipping the page , maybe I could grab the hand and get out of this book . Even though I had no certainties , it was my only chance .
Using help from the moonlight and stars , the tall mountain could be seen on the left . Determined to get out of here , I started walking towards the grand mountain .
The walk to the mountain was diffiuclt , the least worries were the bugs and mosquitoes that caused big , red , itchy bumps . I dogded tree vines , got hit in the head by branches , tripped over tree trunks , and slipped over rocks . Sweat stained my clothes and made me sticky , but I didn ’ t care — I had to get out of here . My wound stopped bleeding and didn ’ t feel numbness , the snake didn ’ t look poisonous anyway . I read a book about snakes ; according to that book poisonous snakes usually have elliptical pupils , triangular heads and two large fangs . The snake that attacked me didn ’ t seem to have these features — it had an arrow like head and its teeth were similar sizes and shapes .
Branches and leaves on the ground snapped under my feet as I stepped closer to the mountain . There was an uphill path towards the mountain . Staring at it , I hoped it was my way out .
At first , the mountain wasn ’ t steep . After walking for two hours , I sat leaning against a tree . I felt so tired . Looking towards the sky , I saw stars glimmering in the darkness . If what I had to reach those stars to get out , I would . If I read this book , I wondered would it have been easier to find a way out … Drifting to sleep , two fireflies glowed in the shadows ahead of me . The fireflies caught my attention ; therefore I stayed awake looking at them . The fireflies were in perfect sync , when one flew left , the other flew left ; when one flew right , the other flew right . Their shape was perfectly symmetrical . Suddenly , the sides of the fireflies tilted up and the middle of the fireflies shifted down . Then these fireflies stayed perfectly still in that position . How strange ?
The fireflies moved at a steady pace towards me , then the fireflies roared ! I snapped awake . These weren ’ t fireflies ! They were beady eyes . Along with the eyes , claws gleamed in the moonlight . The approaching beast bellowed again a long , guttural , growl and displayed it ’ s salient and razor-sharp teeth . Its nose snuffled as warmth steamed out of it nostrils and its whiskers were more like splinters . Its fur were as dark and atramentous as the stygian shadows of the jungle . Saliva dripped out of its mouth as it strided towards me . Moonlight lit the entire beast . I stood appalled — it was a panther !
An aghast expression instantly engulfed my face as the panther leapt with its claws surging at my throat . My entire body was overwhelmed with fear and terror — I couldn ’ t move . Just when the panther ’ s claws neared my shoulders , a carmine red staff with glistening aureate trim collided against the panther ’ s exposed gut . The panther recoiled away from me . The panther crouched and leapt towards … Not me , but something besides me .
Looking to the left , stood a man with a brown hairy face and eye brows ; most of the hair were on the sides of his face , surrounding his mouth , nose and mischievous eyes . His ears were obviously large on the sides reaching above his eyes . On his head was a gleaming gold ring that looped tightly like the trem of his staff . His nostrils flared up , so his nose were like caverns in the middle of his head . The skin under his eyes were very pink , as if sun burnt . He was dressed in a yellow tunic with matching pants . There were gold circular patterns on his tunic . His tunic hung around his legs , almost as a skirt . Over his tunic , he wore a leather body protector with a short red cape hung over his shoulder . His armbrace were like scales . He wore a carmine and aureate belt like his staff .