Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4 - 7 2018 | Page 244

Although death threats are something to keep in mind , the three vigilantes are all too used to them . So , they leave the fruit store and pile into their van . The girl ' s body lies on the basement floor , left there by the three friends for the local police to find and collect .
Sol leans his head against the cool glass window as the world flies by , his bright amber eyes staring back at him . To his left , Mir hums placidly under his breath , seemingly unshaken by the entire encounter . Of course , he was standing guard the whole time , so he probably wasn ' t all too worried anyway .
The scene outside the window seems to disappear as Sol gets pulled back into his memories . In his mind ' s eye , he sees a younger version of himself , hands jammed into the pockets of his jeans , walking down the street with a furious expression on his face .
It had been three years since his mother was killed . The police still had not found the murderer – in fact , they had already given up on the case , something which did not please Sol at all . The streetlights casted harsh shadows on his already angry face , making him seem even fiercer . His face mask lay crumpled in his fist as he turned and stomped up the stairs to his house . On the couch sat somebody he had teamed up with , for the first time since he started this vigilante thing , and he glowered at the back of the boy ' s head . “ Felix !” Sol barked . Felix jumped to his feet . “ Yes , Sol ?” he hurriedly replied , pushing a bag of potato chips behind his back with a guilty expression on his face .
“ Where were you tonight ? You were supposed to meet me for training at that abandoned parking lot .” Sol throws his mask down onto the kitchen counter – it landed in same place where he had placed two stuffed grocery bags that one fateful night , so many years ago . “ Oh .” Felix looked down at his toes . “ I ' m so sorry ! I forgot that we had training tonight .” “ Forgot ? You forgot ?” Sol ' s voice rose furiously before he managed to get ahold of himself . “ If you ' re going to treat this as some joke , something less important than your stupid chips and TV shows , then you can leave . Right now !”
Felix ' s head snapped up , and Sol saw a small fire ignite inside his dark brown eyes . “ No . I ' m sorry for leaving you stranded today – it won ' t happen again . But I made a choice to leave behind my life and become a vigilante , and I ' m not going to leave , no matter what . My own brother was caught and killed by one of those petty criminals running rampant around this city . He was innocent – had never done a bad thing in his life . I promise , I am going to kill every one of those -- ”
Cutting Felix short , Sol held up a hand , although his eyes twinkled amusedly . “ No swearing in this house , please .”
Pulled back to reality by the van screeching to a halt inside the garage , Sol jumps out of his seat and strides into the house . It is not his old childhood home – Sol had left the house , and everything that came with it – when he started working with Mir and Axel . This is a house filled with memories , he muses as he unlocks the back door , I would hate to have to leave it , be it because of death or the ever-increasing rental fee .
+++ That night , a thin sliver of the moon shines through Sol ’ s window , and he rises out of bed to pull down the shades . As he does , the world suddenly silences and a tingle travels up his spine . Sol whirls around . Standing in front of him is a long , lean figure dressed head-to-toe in black . His face is hidden in the shadow , and the only thing Sol can see are his luminous silver eyes , which stare penetratingly at Sol . “ Who are you ?” Sol demands , his hand inching for his gun before realizing that he had – yet again
– left if downstairs . He really should stop doing that .
The figure laughs – a low , raspy sound . He steps out of the shadow , and a long , thin face appears . A pale hand grips the handle of a small blade . “ I am the White Bone Demon , Sol . I believe it was your mother I killed five years ago ? Your mother – Luna – was also a vigilante , did you not know ? Oh , I was so tired of her running around trying to stop all us criminals ! Of course , I couldn ' t have anybody threatening me , I was just rising to power – so I killed her . I thought it would break you – but you chose to become a vigilante as well ! Caused quite the uproar when you started killing my little team – not that you knew they all reported back to me , of course . You thought they were all separate little criminals , didn ' t you ? Yes , yes . I couldn ' t have you follow in your mother ' s footsteps and overthrow me , not after so many years of scheming and planning ! But that is why I am here tonight , of course .”
Before Sol could answer , the Demon steps forward . A flash of silver , a brief moment of searing pain , and all that is left of Sol is a cold , bleeding body , glassy eyes gazing unseeingly into the heavens .