Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4 - 7 2018 | Page 126

up onto the dragon’s back by its tail. Ken let out a loud excited whoop, as they ascended to the skies, holding on to each other, soaring through layers of clouds and through the wind. --- And then they fell. They fell from the sky, tumbling down from the dragon’s back, as Charlie tumbled off the dragon’s back in shock. He found himself in free fall, plunging straight into the dark and cold ocean. He was soaked, kicking his way up to the surface as he gasped for air. Charlie spotted Mia and Ken first, and yanked them to the surface. The kids were treading water next to him as he looked around for the last kid. “Shelby’s still down there. She can’t swim.” Ken’s words confirmed Charlie’s greatest fears. He nodded to the kids before diving into the water, searching for the final teenager. But he could hardly see anything in the water; it was muddled and Charlie didn’t have his glasses. He saw Shelby’s jacket floating in the distance, and propelled himself down into the depths of the sea. But Shelby was nowhere to be seen; Charlie had to get back to the surface holding only Shelby’s jacket as he was nearly out of breath. He flung the girl’s jacket onto the nearby shore, then waved to Ken and Mia. The three all dived down a second time; this time he finally saw Shelby’s hand poking out of a ruined boat, moving weakly. Charlie lifted the boat up with Ken while Mia dove under and pulled Shelby out. The poor teenager had gone slightly blue as they swam up to the surface and towards the shore. Ken carried Shelby on his back while Charlie helped himself to the shore. He saw Ken search for Shelby’s pulse, then him and Mia trying to get the water out of their friend’s body. Use the stone. A voice rang in Charlie’s head as he reached for the glowing blue stone in his pocket. He hesitantly walked towards the three young people, then pressed the stone to Shelby’s back. Instantly she coughed, spitting water all over the three of them and herself, as she wheezed for breath. Charlie felt a rush of relief wash over him, as Shelby looked to her friends in gratitude. And that was when he suddenly understood what it had been all about, watching the three youngsters embrace in front of him. Charlie couldn’t imagine life without three kids constantly laughing with him and at him. Ken, Mia and Shelby have now become a huge part of his life, pulling him out of his original bubble. It was the greatest spiritual gift he ever had- he was now able to put his feelings out, to truly care for people and not having to put up walls to protect himself. “I think we found it,” Mia said suddenly, putting down Charlie’s blue healing stone and leaning on Ken’s shoulder. Charlie smiled knowingly, as the four went through the same thought process Charlie just did, discovering their true goal and what they had set out to find. “We found love.” With that, Charlie tossed the stone into the sea and welcomed the three youngsters into his arms.