Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4 - 7 2018 | Page 7

“I’m fine, I just had a strange dream.” “Tell me about it. It might help you sort through some of your own thoughts.” “I was in this strange version of Peking, and I went on another journey to the west, but even farther.” Before Wukong could interrupt him, he continued. “I know there isn’t much farther west, but there was. The people treated nature abominably.” “That sounds distressing.” his friend intoned. “I’m just glad that’s not reality.” “You must be very out of sorts to have dreams like that. You even forgot your robes!” Xuanzang’s heart plummeted as he looked at his attire. No. It can’t be. he thought, blinking as if to ward off what he saw. He was wearing his clothes from the dream world.