Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 4 - 7 2018 | Page 250

Suddenly, Guang walked forward to hug the two former buddhas. “I understand that you’re both concerned about my safety, Mr. Ba Jie, Mr. Wujing. But there is nothing you need to worry about. This is my destiny after all.” ~ The human must be enjoying his or her time with Pigsy and Sandy. Wukong thought to himself as he lounged idly on his throne, supporting his head with one hand on his cheek. Pigsy and Sandy must be doing a good job at helping the human feel at home, after they failed to have all these humans stay in the Jade Ruins. He couldn’t help but let out a dry chuckle. That’s good. They don’t have to lose another child anymore. “Your majesty!! Your majesty!! You have got to hear this!!Guess what we found out there?!” Wukong felt the bottom of his stomach drop as he saw the ecstatic grin on the general’s face. Before he could speak, Ne Zha stood aside with a flourish to reveal a small child flanked by two armored celestial spirits, his expression not showing the slightest hint of fear. But Wukong thought he saw sadness in his soft black eyes. He turns away briefly, trying to hide the uproar of guilt toward his chest. “Good.” He forces a smile onto his face as he looked to his trusty soldiers. “Now leave us alone. I’ll see if the kid’s essence breaks the seal or not.” The soldiers bowed, and Ne Zha bounded out, followed by the two guards. The monkey emperor sighed. Here we go again. “You know, kid, you look awfully calm for someone about to die. Were you trying to kill yourself or something?” Wukong tried to cover up his guilt with a flippant tone as he kneeled down. Opportunities to talk to the children that were about to die under his staff were rare, but that suit him well enough. He didn’t want to get attached, after all. But this kid made him curious for once. Then he stepped forward. “Your majesty, may I?” Without waiting for a response, the child touched Wukong’s forehead with his palm. Blinding light flashed in Wukong’s face, but it faded in an instant and when he opened his eyes cautiously again, they widened into saucers at the sight in front of him. “Hello, Monkey.” There, glimmering with golden light, was his former master Tang Xuan Zang. “It has been a while, hasn’t it?”