Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 386

Return of the Monkey
The International Schools Foundation Academy , Proctor , May - 13

As Monkey sat on a cloud in the lightening dawn with his eyes closed , he felt a huge gust of wind cut through the stillness . It ruffled his coarse fur and made his ancient armour clink together lightly like wind chimes . Then his eyes fluttered open just in time to see a star shift in the sky and explode in a flash of blinding light . Something told him this was not right .

All of a sudden , an invisible force started to push him down and he desperately waved his arms , trying to get ahold of something . Grunting , he landed in the garden of Guan yin , the Goddess of Compassion , with a thud . She looked down at Monkey with a frown , her lips pulled tightly together , her pristine white robes drifting around her . The silver tassels hanging off her headpiece were tinged a rosy gold in the dawn light . She said in a voice just above a whisper , “ Did you see that star ? I think that may be an omen about your old enemy , the White Bone Demon . She has risen again from her ashes , since you last defeated her . She is seeking to destroy the human world with her chemicals , to get revenge for something not even I know about .” “ Did you have to ruin my peaceful morning just to tell me that ?” Monkey said impatiently as he brushed the dust off his armor . “ Can ’ t I just relax now ?” “ No .” “ Just let me go !” Monkey whined . “ Stay here , I ’ m not finished with you yet ,” she said , a note of annoyance in her voice . “ You must go down and stop her .” “ Why can ’ t you do it , you ’ re not even busy ,” Monkey interrupted . Then he jumped into the air and blasted away from the palace garden , screaming , “ I ’ m not doing it ,” as he flew to his home that sat atop a lone cloud in the clear blue sky .
Then , out of nowhere , a voice said , “ Monkey , I will say it again , go down to earth and defeat the demon . Now !” “ Try and make me !” Monkey retorted . Without warning , an invisible force pushed him off his small island of vegetation into the blue sky . He fell for what felt like an eternity , watching the sky turn from blue to orange , and then black , littered with thousands of stars .
Monkey saw the ground come into view , but it was strange because it was covered with so many pinpricks of light . Monkey ’ s feet then hit the ground . The ground was grey and rough like a poorly smoothed-out man-made rock . It stung Monkey ’ s feet . Around him glossy metal boxes on wheels with blinding white lights whizzed at a great speed , releasing horrible fumes as they moved , making Monkey cough . He looked up to the heavens trying to find the stars that would guide him , but Monkey only saw smog and light blending together to create a thick curtain between the mortal world and the heavens . Monkey started pacing around , cursing Guan Yin . Monkey didn ’ t know where he was , what time it was or where he was going . He also didn ’ t know where the White Bone Demon was , and he knew that Guan yin wouldn ' t let him return home before he defeated the monster .
Then a girl with jet black hair that hung straight down to her lower back and covered half her face and her left eye stopped him . She said quietly , “ Monkey come with me . I know who you seek in the mortal world ,” and beckoned for him to follow her . Monkey sniffed the air around her . With his fire eyes he could see that she could shapeshift into a beautiful white butterfly with black wingtips , but then the image blurred up . “ Come .” she said again , and Monkey followed the girl . “ You must be wondering how I know you . Thousands of years ago you helped my village defeat an evil monster ...” “ Can you just tell me where I am exactly ?” Monkey interrupted . “ You don ’ t know ? You ’ re in Beijing , China .”