Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 340

New Journeys to the West
St . Paul ' s Convent School , Tai , Sze Yan Sherleen - 14
( It was year 2017 . Sun Wukong , Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing were accompanying Xuanzang on his last mission in Hong Kong before reaching the Peak , where they could get the Book of Nature and save humans .)

“ X uanzang , hurry up ! This is our last stop . After getting past this barrier , we will be able to get the Book of Nature and save mankind !” Sun Wukong yelled as he did his famous seventytwo somersaults in a row . Zhu Bajie waddled behind him , huffing and puffing , while the kind-hearted Sha Wujing held Xuanzang by the arm and led him along the busy road .

Xuanzang leapt up and choked as a car zoomed past him , leaving behind it a trail of fumes and dust . “ Again ! For the third time today …” He grumbled and fanned his face as a young boy with headphones pushed past him . “ Childen these days ,” Sun Wukong shook his head , sighing , “ We really have to get that Book as soon as possible .” Zhu Bajie looked sadly at the dust-filled streets , “ It was alright for me to drink directly from the clear lakes back in the Zong Dynasty , but now you can ’ t find a single pool anywhere , let alone drinking the dirty , polluted water .” He wrinkled his nose as two men walked past , smoking their cigarettes and puffing out black , smelly smoke . Sha Wujing looked disgusted while Xuanzang look away , unable to bear the deterioration of modern people .
The small team of saviours started their mission a couple of years ago in Thailand , then went to the Philippines , Afganistan , and finally , Hong Kong . They had encountered different problems there , including people who live on drugs , corrupt governments , stealing and begging . They had worked as a team , solving each problem after racking their brains . Every time they solve a problem in the modern world , they receive a clue , which will lead them to the next stop , and eventually , the Book of Nature . The Book of Nature is a book with magical powers , which can wake humans up from this horrible dream of destroying the world . The small team is now at their last stop , and the barrier this time is a serious problem of students committing suicide in Hong Kong .
“ Wukong , there !” Xuanzang exclaimed as he pointed to the roof of a building . A teenager was sitting along the edge with her legs dangling out , and she was swaying dangerously on the side . “ Leave this to me !” Wukong said confidently , and with one huge leap , he was standing next to the girl . The girl yelped in surprise , nearly falling off the building . “ Hey you !” Wukong growled at the girl . “ Get off that edge , it ’ s dangerous .” The girl regarded him with astonishment , and chose to ignore him . “ HEY YOU ! I ’ m talking to you , get off that roof , you could get killed !” Wukong said gruffly . The girl rolled her eyes and refused to obey . Wukong was just about to reach out and grab the corner of her shirt when a voice yelled “ Stop !”
Xuanzang had arrived at the rooftop along with Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing . “ What happened ?” He asked the girl gently . The girl was clearly puzzled at this sudden act of kindness . She burst into tears , “ I can ’ t stand this anymore …” “ What can ’ t you stand ?” Zhu Bajie looked confused . “ My grades have been dropping like a roller coaster , and my mom is nearly killing me for that …” She sobbed sadly , shaking her head , “ I don ’ t deserve to live anymore . I ’ m just wasting the school ’ s resources , and my parents ’ money too . I … should just jump off the building , and maybe I ’ ll lead a better life in heaven …” She looked like she was about to jump off the roof . “ Wait ,” Xuanzang stopped her , “ Is that it ?” The girl nodded . “ That ’ s easy ! Persuading people with charm is the only thing I never lose in .” He smiled . “ Really ?” The girl ’ s eyes were suddenly filled with hope .
The rest of the team had no idea what Xuanzang was thinking , but just let him lead the way . He stopped in front of the Educational Bureau Office and strode right in , ordering his assistants to wait outside . Sun Wukong , Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing paced outside frantically , waiting anxiously while waiting for Xuanzang .