Hong Kong Young Writers Anthologies Fiction 3 2018 | Page 280

New Journey to the West
St . Margaret ' s Co-eduational English Secondary and Primary School , Johnson , Isabel - 13

There was a boy named Miles . Ever since he was a child , Miles knew he had traits that were uncommon among his peers . When he was in kindergarten , he was able to do acrobatics usually people were not able to do perhaps for their whole lives . The other thing he was able to do that was quite unorthodox , but kind of disgusting was that he was able to gleek . Gleeking is an action of two strings of saliva spraying out of your mouth . This usually happens when someone yawns and it only happens a few times in your lifetime , but Miles could do it whenever he wanted .

His best friends consisted of Shannon , Rebecca , and Mary . They were all very close and had been friends all throughout their lives . They all had strange quirks to them but never told each other since the topic never came up . But that was a long , long time ago . And since then they had gotten closer than ever . They never thought this would be relevant to their lives , but boy were they wrong .
At this point , Miles and his friends were in their senior year of high school . They were considered the “ the outcasts ”. But they mostly stuck with their own clique , and nobody really interrupted them , or talked to them . They weren ’ t popular , but they weren ’ t unpopular and it didn ’ t bother them in the slightest . All of them were very involved in dungeons and dragons , comics , and live action role-playing in which they would embody their characters from dungeons and dragons .
One Tuesday after school , they were taking a stroll outside of their school and they stumbled across a thrift store . Thrift stores were a sacred part of their group , as almost all of their game equipment was purchased in thrift stores scattered across their hometown , Richmond Virginia . As they walked in , they felt a mysterious aura fill their nostrils and through their minds . “ We ’ ll meet by the gumball machine in 15 minutes .” Said Miles . They all split their paths and set on a road to finding some hidden gems . As it turns out they all ended up finding some parts of their characters . Miles had found a long staff for his wizard costume . Since Shannon was the dungeon master , she found a dice tower that could be used during the endless hours of their campaigns . Rebecca was a Rogue and had bought a cloak . Lastly , Mary had bought himself a sword for his paladin character .
They ’ d role-play at the abandoned train station . They had found a room which they assumed to be the control room . Except this time , the door to the room was glowing as if it was the gateway to heaven . “ Uhhh , is someone in there ?” Mary asked , you could hear the tremble in his voice as he questioned the rest quietly . As they opened the creaky old door , they felt as if they were coming out of a cinema , but ten times as powerful . The light eventually dimmed and they walked into a green , vibrant forest . It was overwhelming beautiful . They looked at each other in shock . Confusion written all over their faces . As they stood there in shock , a band of goblins approached them . They couldn ’ t believe their eyes ! They had all their weapons ready and didn ’ t know what to do except take charge and Fight the creatures . The goblins were easy to beat since they were a level one monster for battle . “ Woah , to s this real life ? “ asked Shannon . The rest of them cold only nod in agreement . They wandered theforrsy and came across a group of trodgolytes eating by a fire . They couldn ’ t understand what they were saying since they spoke common and elvish mostly . A cart caught their attention at the opposite side of the space . Inside , there were 2 half elvish creatures . “ I think we should go help them .” Whispered Rebecca . They did their special handshake a PhD set out to unlock the rangers from the cart . Miles casted a sleep spell on the monsters so they could sneak past them with no hesitation . “ Thank you for saving us noble sirs and madams .” They eventually became friends . The rangers were Darylle , and her brother , Donell . They were on a quest to find Darylle ” s son who had been captured by trodgolytes . Darylle mentioned a prize for them after they find her son . So the clique agreed to do it .
In order to find her son , they would have to navigate the forest , which wouldn ’ t be difficult since they ’ re rangers . And find a dungeon of trodgolytes where her son was being held . After a day or two of hiking through the mountain range , they had found a pile that leaded to the dungeon . So when they went in it , the familiar smell of trodgolyte dung struck their senses . “ Oh my gosh , that ’ s so disgusting !” Exclaimed Rebecca , like the diva she was . As they went in there wasn ’ t anyone , but as they looked around , they saw some skeletons on the prison cell beds . There were almost certain that they were the undead . So , Miles casted a fire bolt cantrip , which took out one of the sleeping Skeletons . The other was decapitated by Mary . Just as they thought this was getting easy , some goblins were in the rooms to decide their fate . “ Well , well , well , what do we have here ?” The chief goblin chuckled as he said it . Miles had no choice but to cast a ice